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. 2023 Aug 29;3:30. doi: 10.1186/s44158-023-00116-4

Table 1.

Mentee and mentor’s checklist

Mentee’s tasks Mentor’s tasks Documents to be utilized
Prior to your first next-mentoring meeting Ask yourself — what are my goals? How can a mentor assist me in meeting these goals? What are my competency levels as a teacher, researcher, clinician, administrator, and in the community? Be sure that your mentee knows how to contact you. Request contact information from your mentee PDP-MA
Take the initiative. Stay connected to your mentor. Invite your mentor to meet in face or via videoconferencing; suggest potential topics. Agree on confidentiality and no-fault termination Stay connected with the mentee and encourage her/him
Update your own CV Obtain mentee’s CV prior to the first meeting so that you already know pertinent professional information
Consider the skills that require additional mentoring: what skills do I need to learn or improve? What do I want to change about my work style? Which professional networks are important? Review and discuss the specific aims that you and your mentee developed. Discuss your expectations and your needs with your mentee. Work with your mentee on goals for the relationship (meeting time, etc.). Plan to meet at least twice a year
Complete the PDP which provides a framework for you and your mentor to review your personal and professional career goals Review and discuss the PDP-MA; complete and sign the mentoring agreement

Develop a list of specific aims on which you want to collaborate on with your mentor

If among your objectives there is the need to perform a clinical and/or research training at the department or institute of your assigned mentor, consult our E-MOVE platform at the following link:

Provide focused guidance on “schedules” and what events and meetings the mentee is expected to attend
Schedule an online meeting with the coordinator or with the employees of the Next-Mentoring program. This can be a useful moment to ask for explanations or clarifications on the program Help your mentee develop a checklist that you both can follow

Agree with your mentor upon the following:

• Duration and start/end dates of mentoring, possible attendance at the research institute or hospital, economic support guaranteed by the mentor, if possible

• Time of first meeting, location, and agenda

Agree with your mentee upon the following:

• Duration and start/end dates of mentoring, possible attendance at the research institute or hospital, economic support guaranteed by the mentor, if possible

• Time of first meeting, location, and agenda

First mentoring meeting The first meeting should be at the ESICM-LIVES mentor–mentee meeting The first meeting should be at the ESICM-LIVES mentor–mentee meeting

Mentoring worksheet

Mentoring evaluation form

Review and discuss your PDP-MA with your mentor. Discuss your short- and long-term goals and expectations and work together to develop steps to reach these goals using a timeline Review and discuss the PDP-MA with your mentee
Discuss and critique the specific aims Discuss and critique the specific aims
Determine frequency of meetings. This will vary based on individual needs. We suggest planning at least two meetings a year besides the meeting at LIVES mentor–mentee lunch. The extent of the interaction can vary from phone calls or Internet meetings to face-to-face meetings Determine frequency of meetings
Suggest potential topics for future meetings (examples: setting and achieving goals, managing time effectively in an academic environment, balancing personal and professional life, negotiating for what you want/need, completing manuscripts) Encourage the mentee choosing potential topics for future meetings
After the first meeting and throughout the mentoring Establish your own checklist for follow-up. Keep an ongoing portfolio of activities & works in progress. Check your timeline Evaluate and discuss the mentee checklist and timeline

Mentoring worksheet

Mentoring evaluation form

Mentoring coordinator support

Meetings with mentor should be scheduled Meetings with mentee should be scheduled

Table legend: PDP Personal development plan, MA Mentoring agreement