Figure 8.
QTL genotypes for number of petals at qNP.TX2WSE-LG3 for diploid rose breeding parents with haplotype names, SNP sequences, origin sources, and alleles for predictive SNP markers associated with Q- or q-alleles for increasing or decreasing the number of petals, respectively, are shaded (A), and the diplotype effect of the most common haplotypes associated with the number of petals at qNP.TX2WSE-LG3 (B). The Q without a subscript indicates that were not able to categorize this haplotype due to the lack of appropriate diplotype combinations. Means not connected by the same letter are significantly different (p<0.05) within each population using the non-parametric multiple comparison Steel–Dwass test. N = diplotype sample size. OL, ‘Ole’; MEV, ‘M Nathalie Nypels’; T7-20, TAMU7-20; SC, ‘Sweet Chariot’; T7-30, TAMU7-30; LC, ‘Little Chief’; R-Wich, Rosa wichuraiana; OB, ‘Old Blush’; PH, ‘Papa Hemeray’; HIA, ‘Hiawatha’; SE, ‘Srdce Europy’.