a. Three proposed types of regulatory mechanisms to interpret the association between adDEGs and AD genetic variants: (1) SNP directly (cis) regulates adDEG; (2) SNP indirectly (trans) regulate adDEG; (3) SNP indirectly (ligand-receptor signaling) regulates adDEG. b-g. Examples of adDEGs directly regulated by AD-associated variants through linking (eQTLs, Hi-C, promoter-enhancer correlation) along with the expression changes in vascular cell types in AD shown in the boxplots on the right (n=10,272 and 12,242 nuclei in AD and control individuals). The box starts in the first quantile (25%) and ends in the third (75%). The line inside represents the median. Two whiskers represent the maximum and minimum without outliers. Likelihood ratio test is used here (two-sided, adjusted p-value < 0.05 as cutoff. P-value is shown in the barplot.). h. The number of targets regulated by three, two, or only one of the regulatory mechanisms.