Table 1.
Timeline of polio-related events in Ukraine.
Years | Events |
1960–2005 | Routine polio vaccination with tOPV; high coverage |
1996 | Last wild poliovirus case in Ukraine |
2002 | Ukraine certified free of poliovirus by the RCC along with other countries of the WHO European Region |
Since 2005 | Routine polio vaccination according to sequential schedule (2 doses of IPV at 2 and 4 months, followed by tOPV at 6 and 18 months and 6 and 14 years); high coverage until 2009 |
2008 | Failed mass immunization campaign against measles and rubella |
Since 2009 | Sharp decline in coverage with polio and other vaccines, decline in vaccine acceptance |
Since 2010 | Ukraine ranked by the RCC as being at high risk of poliovirus spread if importation occurred |
Since 2012 | Problems with vaccine supply due to inefficient budgeting and vaccine procurement for the National Immunization Program |
Since 2014 | Economic and political crisis, military conflict with large numbers of displaced populations |
2014 | Poliovirus events: three isolated detections of VDPV2 (2 in Zakarpattya and one in Luhansk province) with no evidence of further circulation |
2015 | Polio outbreak: 2 polio cases due to highly divergent cVDPV1 in Zakarpattya |
October 2015– February 2016 |
Three nationwide immunization rounds with tOPV implemented in response to the cVDPV1 outbreak |
2015 | Vaccine procurement legislation changed to allow for procurement via international agencies |
2016 | tOPV use in Ukraine discontinued from April 18, 2016 as part of the Global switch from tOPV to bivalent OPV (bOPV) in routine immunization program. |
Abbreviations: tOPV, trivalent oral polio vaccine; bOPV, bivalent oral polio vaccine; IPV, inactivated polio vaccine; WPV, wild poliovirus; VDPV, vaccine-derived poliovirus; cVDPV, circulating VDPV; RCC, European Regional Certification Commission for Polio Eradication; WHO, World Health Organization.