Figure 10. Evaluation of the inverse model results against independent measurements of surface concentration and deposition flux in the Southern Hemisphere.
Shown are comparisons of the inverse model results against (a) seasonally averaged (austral Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall are respectively denoted by magenta, green, orange, and blue) and (b) annually averaged dust surface concentration measurements at 12 SH stations, and against (c) a compilation of 33 measurements of the dust deposition flux. Results are grouped by regions as shown in Figs. 2c and 2d. Statistics of the comparisons are noted in the figures and are calculated in log-space. Uncertainties on inverse model results and measurements represent one standard error and are calculated as described in Sects. 2.5 and 3.1, respectively. Also shown are Taylor diagrams for the (d) seasonal and (e) annual surface concentration, and (f) dust deposition flux. The different symbols represent the measurements (purple triangle), the 13 AeroCom models (black letters), MERRA-2 (red “R”), the six models in the model ensemble (brown numbers), the six improved models (green numbers with a prime), and the inverse model results (large blue star). An exact legend for the different models is provided in Fig. 3.