Flow cytometric analysis of CD79A+ in blood of chickens (dot plots). (A) Chicken white blood cells 12 h after hatching, (B) chicken white blood cells at 7 d of age, lymphocytes (P17), monocytes (P18), heterophils (P16). I: control group—blood from chickens that hatched from eggs injected with sterile 0.9% physiological saline; group II—blood from chickens that hatched from eggs injected with a multistrain probiotic; group III—blood from chickens that hatched from eggs injected with a multistrain probiotic and zinc glycine chelate (Zn-Gly); group IV—blood from chickens that hatched from eggs injected with zinc glycine chelate (Zn-Gly), P15—gate containing cells with expression CD79A+ labeled with FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate). Abbreviation: FSC, forward scatter.