Summary of desmoplastic infantile gangliogliomas/astrocytomas and infant‐type hemispheric gliomas main characteristics. Both DIG/DIA and IHG displayed avid contrast enhancement, but cysts walls of DIG/DIA did not enhance, in comparison with enhancing cysts walls of IHG. Diffusion restriction on ADC maps was moderate in DIAG/DIA patients and strongly restricted in IHG. IHG had frequent bleeding on CT, and not DIA/DIG. Perfusion values using ASL were moderate in DIG/DIA patients and high in IHG. DIG/DIA presents desmoplasia, infiltration of the leptomeninges, and a neuronal differentiation whereas IHG showed obvious signs of malignancy (necrosis and MVP), and siderophages (suggesting a past hemorrhage). Molecular alterations are distinct between DIG/DIA (showing MAPK genes alterations) and IHG (showing RTK gene fusions). DNA‐methylation profiles of DIG/DIA and IHG are distinct but a grey zone exists with overlapping cases. ADC, diffusion coefficient map; ASL, arterial spin labeling; CT, computerized tomodensitometry; DIG/DIA, desmoplastic infantile agangligliomas/astrocytomas; I, involvement; IHG, infant‐type hemispheric gliomas; MAPK, mitogen‐activated protein kinase; MVP, microvascular proliferation; RTK, receptor tyrosine kinase; WT, wildtype.