A) Graph showing dependence of CaMKII
KD phosphorylation on CaMKII
WT concentration on a linear timescale. Each fit used the two-component exponential function (see Materials and methods for details). In these ‘free fits’. the rates
r1 and
k2 were allowed to vary between the four fits (10 free parameters in all, including the amplitudes). Note that we repeated the experiments at 10 nM CaMKII
WT (essentially the same as
Figure 1D). Because the phosphorylation reaction was so fast at 100 nM CamKII
WT, we fitted only a single component (phosphorylation rate was 2.5 min
–1). Fit parameters (±1 SD) were as follows: 10 nM fit
A1=0.27 ± 0.06;
k2=0.043 ± 0.006 nM
–1 min
r1 = 0.035 ± 0.009 min
–12 nM fit
A1=0.6 ± 0.1;
k2=0.007 ± 0.003 nM
–1 min
r1 = 0.44 ± 0.13 min
–10.5 nM fit
A1=0.5 ± 0.3;
k2=0.02 ± 0.03 nM
–1 min
r1 = 0.17 ± 0.11 min
–1 Same free fit as panel (
B) on a logarithmic timescale to reveal the two components. (
C) Global fit (5 free parameters) using common values of rates
r1 and
k2 for each curve.
r1=0.41 min
–1 and
k2=0.017 nM
–1 min
–1. For the 100 nM fit, the amplitude
A1 was set to zero. Note that at 100 nM, the first order rate
k2 * 100 nM is about 3 x faster (1.7 min
–1) than the rate estimated for concentration-independent phosphorylation. (
D) Representative western blots of the time course of phosphorylation on T286 of CaMKII
WT at different concentrations (concentrations of proteins used is indicated on the left side of each panel). Lanes which are marked with ‘kinase-dead (1 hr)' show that no pT286 signal can be detected on CaMKII
KD (4 µM) after 1 hr of incubation without CaMKII
WT. Lanes labeled with concentration of CaMKII
WT demonstrate that the
wild-type protein is invisible for anti-pT286 antibody at the reaction amounts loaded on these gels for all except for 100 nM WT lane, where a phosphorylation signal is detected after 1 h of incubation of CaMKII
WT with activation stimuli, but without CaMKII
KD. However, the signal is about 20% of the signal detected on CaMKII
KD after 1 hr. The bottom blot shows pT286 detection of triplicate reactions at 1, 2, 5 and a single reaction at 10 min. The other blots used to construct the curves in (
A–C) are in
Figure 1—figure supplements 4–