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. 2023 Aug 31;13(9):e10456. doi: 10.1002/ece3.10456


Analysis of Deviance (Type III Wald Chi‐square tests) for the main response variables (vegetative) shoot density, inflorescence density, flower density, and seed density (individual m−2).

Model = Poisson (log)
Source Shoot density Inflorescence density
df ChiSq p(>chisq) df ChiSq p(>chisq)
(Intercept) 1 8560.2 <2.2e−16 1 218.2 <2.2e−16
Location 5 1300.0 <2.2e−16 5 134.8 <2.2e−16
Year 5 25.34 .00012 5 41.97 5.966e−08
Location × year 25 98.55 1.10–10 25 119.7 2.527e−14
Model = negative binomial (log)
Source Flower density Seed density
df ChiSq p(>chisq) df ChiSq p(>chisq)
(Intercept) 1 2334.5 <2.2e−16 1 209.6 <2.2e−16
Location 5 591.9 <2.2e−16 5 199.5 <2.2e−16
Year 5 99.57 <2.2e−16 5 24.88 .000147
Location × year 24 621.8 <2.2e−16 24 289.1 <2.2e−16

Note: All p << .0001 or “***”.