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. 2023 Aug 30;14:5287. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41020-3

Table 1.

Criticality parameters and metrics with details of their formulation

Notation Definition Formulation
α Calculated exponent for the truncated power law distribution fitted on avalanche duration, D (time). f(D)=DαDminDmaxDα, where maximum likelihood estimation was used to fit a truncated power law to the avalanche duration distribution (f(D)).
τ Calculated exponent for the truncated power law distribution fitted on avalanche size, S (number of spikes). f(S)=SτSminSmaxSτ, where maximum likelihood estimation was used to fit a truncated power law to the avalanche size distribution (f(S)).
βpred The third hidden power law exponent in critical systems which represents the relationship between size and duration exponents. βpred=(α1)(τ1).
DCC Deviation from criticality coefficient. DCC = ∣βpred − βfit∣, where SDβfit.
BR Branching ratio is the ratio of the number of neurons spiking at time step t + 1 to the number of active neurons at time step t. N(t + 1)∣N(t)〉 = BR ⋅ N(t) + h, where N(t) is the number of active neurons at time t and h is the external drive.
SC error Avalanche profiles of all sizes are copies of each other as they unfold from different scales, and they all collapse to the same universal shape. A collection of scaling functions (F(. )) are extracted for various D durations. The error for this process is described as: var(F)(max(F)min(F))2. s(t,D)DγFtD, where S(D)=0Ds(t,D)dt,FtD is a universal function for all avalanches, γ = β − 1, and SC error is  ∣β −  βpred∣  when var(F)(max(F)min(F))2 is minimised.