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. 2023 Aug 30;159(10):1124–1128. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2023.2787

Table. Patient Demographics and Disease Characteristics.

Characteristic All patients (N = 3541)
Age, median (range), y 38 (18-95)
Age group, No. (%), y
18-34 1280 (36.1)
35-54 1543 (43.6)
≥55 718 (20.3)
Sex, No. (%)
Female 1603 (45.3)
Male 1933 (54.6)
Nonbinary 5 (0.1)
Race and ethnicity, No. (%)a,b
Asian 929 (30.5)
Black 283 (9.3)
Central or South American 144 (4.7)
Middle Eastern or North African 135 (4.4)
White 1555 (51.1)
Otherc 75 (2.5)
Prefer not to answer 13 (0.4)
Fitzpatrick skin type, No. (%)d
I-III 2096 (59.2)
IV-VI 1445 (40.8)
Geographic region, No. (%)
Africa or Middle East 201 (5.7)
Asia 1005 (28.4)
Australia 75 (2.1)
Brazil 301 (8.5)
Canada 200 (5.6)
Europe 1151 (32.5)
US 608 (17.2)
Age at diagnosis, median (range), y 30 (0-95)
Time before diagnosis, mean (SD), y 2.4 (4.1)
Disease duration, mean (SD), y 12.7 (12.6)
Affected BSA, median (range), % 4.0 (0-73.9)
More than 5% affected BSA, No. (%) 1602 (45.2)

Abbreviation: BSA, body surface area.


Multiple answers were accepted.


Race and ethnicity were not solicited in France (n = 250) or Germany (n = 250).


Category taken from the survey with no further breakdown available.


Fitzpatrick skin types are defined as follows: type I, pale white skin; type II, white skin; type III, light brown skin; type IV, moderate brown skin; type V, dark brown skin; and type VI, deeply pigmented dark brown to black skin.