Strain | Phylotype | Species | Plant origin | Country of origin | Genome sequence origin | No. of predicted proteins |
GMI1000 | I | R. pseudosolanacearum | Tomato | Guyana | (30) | 5,060 |
PSS4 | I | R. pseudosolanacearum | Tomato | Taiwan | This work | 5,117 |
RUN2340 | III | R. pseudosolanacearum | Potato | Madagascar | This work | 5,119 |
CFBP2957 | IIA | R. solanacearum | Tomato | French West Indies | This work | 4,951 |
K60 | IIA | R. solanacearum | Tomato | The United States | (33) | 5,081 |
BA7 | IIA | R. solanacearum | Banana | Grenada | This work | 5,035 |
UW551 | IIB | R. solanacearum | Geranium | Kenya | (33) | 4,755 |
MOLK2 | IIB | R. solanacearum | Banana | Philippines | This work | 4,868 |
PSI07 | IV | R. syzygii | Tomato | Indonesia | (11) | 4,812 |
R24 | IV | R. syzygii | Clove | Indonesia | This study | 4,879 |
BDBR229 | IV | R. syzygii | Banana | Indonesia | This study | 4,724 |
The Busco quality scores for completeness and contamination of each genome are shown in Fig. S1 at The number of proteins was computed from Prokka automatic annotation (25). The novel genome sequences are available in GenBank (Table S1 at