Table 1.
Characteristics of the sample (36 141 adolescents, 1590 neighbourhoods) and descriptive information of study variables
Neighbourhood characteristics (no missing data) | Description | Value |
Economy, work and employment: | ||
Child income deprivation | IoD 2019 Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index Score.17 Proportion of all children aged 0–15 living in income deprived families | 0.21 (0.13) |
Employment deprivation | IoD 2019 Employment Score.17 Proportion of the working age population involuntarily excluded from the labour market (i.e. people who would like to work but are unable to do so due to unemployment, sickness or disability, or caring responsibilities | 0.14 (0.08) |
Education: | ||
Children and young people skills deprivation | IoD 2019 Children and Young People Sub-domain Score.17 Key Stage 2 attainment, key Stage 4 attainment, secondary school absence, the proportion of young people not staying on in school or non-advanced education above age 16, and the proportion of young people aged under 21 not entering higher education | 0.05 (0.82) |
Adult skills deprivation | IoD 2019 Adult Skills Sub-domain Score.17 Proportion of working-age adults (women aged 25–59 and men aged 25–64) with no or low qualifications, and the proportion of the working-age population who cannot speak English or cannot speak English well | 0.36 (0.13) |
Health: | ||
Health deprivation and disability | IoD 2019 Health Deprivation and Disability Score.17 Years of potential life lost (death before the age of 75 from any cause), work limiting morbidity and disability (based on those receiving benefits due to inability to work through ill health), acute morbidity (level of emergency admissions to hospital, based on administrative records of inpatient admissions), and mood and anxiety disorders (levels of mental ill health in the local population, including mood (affective), neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders) | 0.70 (0.72) |
Crime: | ||
Crime | IoD 2019 Crime Score.17 Violence, burglary, theft and criminal damage | 0.68 (0.73) |
Barriers to housing and services: | ||
Geographical barriers | IoD 2019 Geographical Barriers Sub-domain Score.17 Road distance to a post office, a primary school, a local store or supermarket, and a GP surgery | −0.35 (0.61) |
Wider barriers | IoD 2019 Wider Barriers Sub-domain Score.17 Household overcrowding (proportion of household that are classed as overcrowded), homelessness (rate of acceptances for housing assistance under the homelessness provisions of housing legislation) and housing affordability (inability to afford to enter owner-occupation or the private rental market) | −0.03 (2.08) |
Living environment: | ||
Indoor environment deprivation | IoD 2019 Indoors Sub-domain Score.17 Housing in poor condition (proportion of social and private homes that fail to meet the Decent Homes standard) and the proportion of houses without central heating | 0.26 (0.64) |
Outdoor environment deprivation | IoD 2019 Outdoors Sub-domain Score.17 Air quality (concentration of the four pollutants nitrogen dioxide, benzene, sulphur dioxide and particulates) and road traffic accidents (proportion of reported accidents that involve death or personal injury to a pedestrian or cyclist) | −0.07 (0.47) |
Demographic: | ||
Population density | Lower layer Super Output Area population density (number of people per square kilometre)18 | 4755 (3012) |
#BeeWell—local environment variables (from 1 to 5) | Derived from the level of agreement reported by participants in the #BeeWell survey (Strongly disagree = 1; Disagree = 2; Neither agree nor disagree = 3; Agree = 4; Strongly agree = 5) | |
I feel safe in the area where I live (8.57% missing) | 4.00 (0.99) | |
People around here support each other with their wellbeing (9.54% missing) | 3.62 (1.06) | |
You can trust people around here (9.23% missing) | 3.55 (1.11) | |
I could ask for help or a favour from neighbours (9.24% missing) | 3.64 (1.21) | |
There are good places to spend your free time (e.g. leisure centres, parks, shops) (9.06% missing) | 3.85 (1.10) | |
Distance to school (no missing data) | ||
Distance from home to school | Distance from the postcode of residence to the postcode of the school (in kilometres) | 2.34 (2.16) |
Socio-demographic characteristics of the sample | ||
School year | ||
Year 8 (age 12/13) | 19 467 (53.86) | |
Year 10 (age 14/15) | 16 674 (46.14) | |
Ethnicity | ||
White | 23 254 (64.34) | |
Asian | 6592 (18.24) | |
Black | 1954 (5.41) | |
Other | 3890 (10.76) | |
Missing | 451 (1.25) | |
Gender | ||
Male | 14 605 (40.41) | |
Female | 14 160 (39.18) | |
Gender diverse | 2581 (7.14) | |
Prefer not to say | 1931 (5.34) | |
Missing | 2864 (7.92) | |
Sex at birth | ||
Male | 18 301 (50.64) | |
Female | 17 840 (49.36) | |
Sexual orientation | ||
Heterosexual | 24 344 (67.36) | |
Minority sexual orientation | 5094 (14.09) | |
Prefer not to say | 3296 (9.12) | |
Missing | 3407 (9.43) | |
FSMs eligibility (ever 6 FSM) | Pupils recorded on the School Census who were recorded as known to be eligible for FSM in any of the termly censuses in the previous 6 years | |
No | 26 382 (73.00) | |
Yes | 9202 (25.46) | |
Missing | 557 (1.54) | |
Loneliness outcome variables | ||
Loneliness (from 1 to 5; 9.01% missing data) | How often do you feel lonely (Never = 1; Hardly ever = 2; Occasionally = 3; Some of the time = 4; Often or always = 5) | 20.73 (1.26) |
Sample size (n) and percentage (%) are given for categorical variables, and mean and SD are given for continuous variables.