Fig 8.
1,4-Benzodiazepines (1,4-BZDs) potentiate other azole antifungals. Heatmaps show drug susceptibility (RAD50 and RAD20, A) and tolerance [fraction of growth at 20% inhibition (FoG20), B] when Candida albicans isolates were plated with combinations of potentiators and other azole drugs. Compounds were screened using disk diffusion assays on YPD plates containing 1,4-BZDs (100 µM), sortin2 (100 µM), or DMSO (no drug) and disks of itraconazole (ITC, 50 µg), ketoconazole (KCA, 10 µg), posaconazole (POS, 5 µg), or voriconazole (VOR, 1 µg). Heatmaps show average values from three biological replicates.