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. 2023 Aug 24;19(8):e1010888. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010888

Table 2. Number of differentially expressed genes and their pathway and GO term enrichment for PMNHITTIN and PMNHIT in response to Mtb.

Contrast DEGsa # Genes FDRb ≤ 0.05 # combined terms KEGG Reactome GO BPc
FDR≤ 0.1 FDR ≤ 0.1 FDR ≤ 0.1
PMNHIT d 6 hours(h) infected vs uninfected Total 7610 701 65 15 621
Upregulated 3816 915 53 51 811
Downregulated 3794 10 0 10 0
PMNHITTIN e 6h infected vs uninfected Total 6654 498 51 16 431
Upregulated 3106 769 54 30 685
Downregulated 3548 7 0 6 1
PMNHITTIN—PMNHIT 6h infectedf Totalg 2285 496 111 86 299
Less Upregulatedh 1217 719 48 55 616
Less Downregulatedi 1068 29 13 12 4

a DEGs (Differentially expressed genes)

b FDR (false discovery rate)

c GO BP (Gene Ontology Biological Processes)

d PMNHIT (HIV-1-infected IGRA positive tuberculin positive)

e PMNHITTIN (neutrophils from HIV-1-infected persistently TB, tuberculin and IGRA negative)

f Refers to the interaction test looking at the difference in response to Mtb infection after 6h between PMNHITTIN and PMNHIT

g Refers to combined responses with significant positive and negative log2 fold change (log2FC) from the interaction test

h, i Refers to the negativeh and positivei log2FC results from the interaction test