Extended Data Fig. 4. Electrophysiology supporting data 1.
a. Proportion of units significantly modulated by distinct task features in the OFC (top) or DMS (bottom) for each individual animal. b. Left, proportions of neurons significantly modulated by objective (reward size) and subjective value did not differ across OFC (blue) or DMS (red). Right, coefficients of determination (R2) of each modulated unit in either OFC (blue) or DMS (red) when either the subjective or objective value of the stimuli presented on either left or right were used as predictors. Black lines denote means. OFC units were more strongly modulated by subjective value than objective value (n = 107 units per condition, three-way mixed ANOVA). c. Chosen-side classification accuracy of 4-fold cross validated support vector machine trained on single unit activity in the OFC (blue) or DMS (red) for each individual animal (R102 n = 86 units per brain area, R109 n = 141 units per brain area, R116 n = 54 units per brain area, R140 n = 103 units per brain area, R144, n = 145 units per brain area, R145 n = 133 OFC units, R123 n = 71 DMS units). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, Data are presented as mean ± SEM.