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. 2023 Aug 24;25(9):543–557. doi: 10.1007/s11883-023-01126-x

Table 2.

Rates of achieving LDL-C therapeutic targets in the MENA

Study Publication date Number of patients, country Inclusion criteria CVD risk stratification Achieving LDL-C target/ hypercholesterolemia control
DYSIS-Egypt[60]* 2013 1466, Egypt Age ≥45 years, and treated for ≥ 3 months with statins

Very high: 85%

High: 2.9%

Moderate: 8.2%

Low: 3.8%

Very high and high (both): 28%

Moderate: 50%

Overall: 32.8%%

Saudi MOH Survey [61]# 2014 10,735, Saudi Arabia Age≥ 15 28.3%#
DYSIS [59]* 2014 2,182, four MENA countries Age ≥45 years, and treated for ≥ 3 months with statins

Very high: 82.6%

High: 2.7%

Moderate: 10.3%

Low: 4.4%

Very high: 30.5%

High: 43.1%

Moderate: 71%

Low: 100%

Overall: 38.2%

CEPHEUS [62]$ 2014 5276, Arabian Gulf Countries Age≥ 18, taking LLT for 3 months,

Very high: 32.9%

High: 44.3%



Low: 12.1%

Very high: 31.9%

High: 52.7%


Medium-low: 81%

Low: 91%

Overall: 52%

CEPHEUS I Egypt [63]$ 2014 1034, Egypt Age≥ 18, taking LLT for 3 months

Very high: 37.7%

High: 34.7%

Medium-high: 3.6%

Medium-low: 16.0%

Low: 8%

Very high: 10.7%

High: 34.2%


Medium-low: 66.5%

Low: 71.1%

Overall: 32.5%

CEPHEUS II Egypt [64]* 2017 1127, Egypt Age≥ 18, taking LLT for 3 months,

Very high: 65.2%

High: 2.5%

Moderate: 20%

Low: 12.4%

Very high: 22.3%

High: 18.2%

Moderate: 44.7%

Low: 84.7%

Overall: 34.4%

DYSIS II—Egypt [65]* 2018 199, Egypt Age≥ 18, hospitalized for ACS

Very High: 5.1%

High: 27.3%

Moderate: 32.3%

Low: 14.3%

Overall: –

ICLPS [51]* 2018


26.2% of them were from the MENA

Treated for ≥ 3 months with any LLT

Very high: 60.9%

High: 33%

Moderate: 5.2%

Low: 0.9%

Very high: 32.1%

High: 51.9%

Moderate: 55.7%

Low: –

Overall: 39.9%

Aghasizadeh et al. [66]+ 2021 576, Iran Treated with a statin for 12 months

Extreme: 1.6%

Very high: 58.5%

High: 9.5%

Moderate: 30.4%

Extreme: 0%

Very high: 28.2%

High: 70.9%

Moderate: 64.6%

Overall: 42.9%

PACT-MEA [56] ++ 2023 3726, 6/7 countries were from the MENA Age≥ 18 years were diagnosed with T2D ≥ 180 days prior to study

Very high: 29.9%

High: 69.4%%

High/very high: 30%

ACS acute coronary syndrome, CEPHEUS centralized pan-Middle East survey on the undertreatment of hypercholesterolemia, CVD cardiovascular disease, DYSIS Dyslipidemia International Study, ICLPS International Cholesterol management Practice Study, LDL-C low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, LLT lipid-lowering therapy, MENA Middle East and North Africa, MOH Ministry of Health

*The 2011 version of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines was used to define cardiovascular risk and abnormalities in LDL-C and patients were risk-stratified according to the Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation (SCORE) Chart

#Hypercholesterolemia was considered controlled if measured cholesterol levels were below 6.2 mmol/L

$Patient risk categorization, respective LDL-C goals, and target attainment were determined according to the 2004 updated National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III)

+Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases risk level and treatment goals were determined according to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) 2017 guidelines

++Cardiovascular risk categories were determined according to the European Society of Cardiology [ESC] 2021 guidelines, with an LDL-C target of<70 mg/dL