Figure 1.
Co-circulation of antigenically distinct GII.17 clusters in young children. (A).Phylogenic analysis of the N-terminal and shell region of ORF2 (252 bp) of seven norovirus-positive AGE stools from the cohort and known isolates. (B) Phylogenetic analysis for full capsid sequence (1,629 bp) from GII.17 cluster I (ID_132) or cluster IIIb (ID_263) infections. (C) P2 domain amino acid alignment for ID_132 and ID_263 sequences against cluster I, II, IIIa, and IIIb reference sequences (Genbank IDs indicated). Amino acid identity represented by dots (·) and deletions by dashes (–). (D) Serum IgG against GII.17 VLPs representing clusters I, II, and IIIb were measured by EIA pre– and post–GII.17 infection in seven infants with symptomatic GII.17 infections. Fold increases pre- versus post-infection are presented. Dashed line, no change in titer. (E) Serum blockade antibody titers against cluster I and IIIb GII.17 VLPs were measured pre– and post–GII.17 infection in seven children with symptomatic GII.17 infections. Fold increases preversus post-infection are presented. Dashed line, no change in titer.