Publication Details
Author(s) |
Who are the authors of the publication? |
Year of Publication |
When was it published? |
Country of origin |
Where was the study carried out? |
Publication Type |
Is the publication a journal article, conference proceeding, thesis, report, other? |
General Overview of Study
Objective and aims |
What was the objective and aims of the study? |
Methods |
What methods (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods) were used to design/evaluate the infographic? |
What methods were used for involvement of patients and the public in the design process? |
Who were the participants e.g. how were they recruited, number of participants and their demographics? |
What was the purpose of the infographic e.g. to education, inform, persuade? |
How was involvement defined? |
What was the role of the participants e.g. choosing between prototypes, deciding on content, assessing understanding, interpreting data, as co-authors? |
What was the health topic? |
Who did the infographic target and in what setting e.g. community, healthcare? |
Was the infographic evaluated and if so, how? |
What were the outcomes? |
Was the role of patients and the public evaluated and if so, how? |
What changes were made to the infographic as a result of the involvement of patients and the public? |
Any challenges/limitations reported? |