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[Preprint]. 2023 Aug 24:2023.08.23.554546. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.08.23.554546

Figure 2. Cardiomyocyte Ca2+ transient and spark properties in response to β-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol.

Figure 2.

(A) Experimental protocol used for Ca2+ imaging, the grey bars represent when line-scan images were acquired. Representative line-scans during pacing (B) and resultant Ca2+ transients (C) from a WT and CaMKIIδ-KO cardiomyocyte stimulated at 0.5 Hz under control conditions and with 100 nM ISO. ISO increased Ca2+ transient amplitude (D) and accelerated decay (E) in both WT and CaMKIIδ-KO cardiomyocytes to a similar degree (WT n=8 cells, N=2 hearts; CaMKIIδ-KO n=13 cells, N=4 hearts). (F) Representative line-scans from a WT and CaMKIIδ-KO cardiomyocyte show an increase in the number of Ca2+ sparks following exposure to ISO. Mean data show the ISO-induced increase in Ca2+ spark frequency (CaSpF) was attenuated in the CaMKIIδ-KO cardiomyocytes (G) (WT n=11 cells, N=2 hearts; CaMKIIδ-KO n=13 cells, N=4 heats).