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[Preprint]. 2023 Aug 21:2023.08.16.23293853. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.08.16.23293853

Figure 1. The schematics of global analysis.

Figure 1.

Spatiotemporally processed signals recorded from multiple points on a line, showing staggered action potentials upstrokes consistent with wavefront propagation (A). Same signals as A shifted to align the upstrokes (B). The first principle component W1 displays alternans (C). Spectrogram of C, showing a 1:2 peak of alternans (D). The second principle component W2 displays more pronounced alternans larger than C (E). Spectrogram of E, shows a prominent 1:2 peak of alternans (F). The bar in A depicts 200 ms.