A) Experimental scheme showing the induction of DH animals and subsequent treatments. B) Position of the collision zone over time in animals that had a large portion of tissue removed from their interior (orange line) at Day 7, compared to controls (black); there is no difference in reorientation speed, n = 12. C) Cilia reorientation in animals treated with high levels of radiation to prevent new cell formation (green), compared to controls (black); there is no significant difference in cilia reorientation speed, n = 12, with 3 repeats showing same pattern. D) Position of the collision zone in DHs which were treated with 3% ethanol for 1 h at Day 7 to remove external cilia (red); there is no difference in cilia reorientation compared to control (black), except at Day 7 immediately following treatment. n = 12. E) Position of the collision zone in DHs which were incubated in 2% Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) solution from Day 7 to Day 35 (blue), showing no difference compared to controls (black). n = 12 with 2 repeats showing the same pattern. The mean of all samples is plotted. Shaded area represents standard deviation. All experimental worms were compared to age-matched controls.