Fig. 6. SBD1 immunogen elicits significantly more potent strain-transcending antibodies than AMA1 DI-DII alone or the AMA1 DI-DII-RON2L complex.
In vitro GIA dilution series of pooled purified IgG from each group at day 63 against Plasmodium falciparum (a) 3D7 (b) FVO (c) Dd2. The data are plotted as the median with 95% CI and arise from three independent biological replicates for SBD1 immunogen, AMA1 DI-DII-RON2L Complex, insertion fusion immunogens 2 and 3, and two biological replicates for AMA1 DI-DII alone due to limited IgG for this group. Concentration (mg/ml) of pooled purified IgG required to demonstrate 50% inhibition (IC50) against Plasmodium falciparum (d) 3D7 (e) FVO and (f) Dd2 were determined by interpolation after fitting data globally to a four-parameter dose-response curve. The bars represent the IC50 (center) and 95% CI of a global fit of three independent biological replicates (two biological replicates for the AMA1 DI-DII group). Points represent IC50 values for individual fits of each biological replicate. Statistical comparisons were made using a two-tailed extra sum-of-squares F-test (with Bonferroni correction for d). Source data are provided as a Source data file.