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. 2023 Aug 16;38(4):373–380. doi: 10.3803/EnM.2023.1779

Table 1.

Key Updates to the 2023 ESE Guideline

Remarks 2023 ESE guideline 2016 ESE guideline 2017 KES guideline
Category for serum cortisol after 1-mg DST Recommend: MACSa: patients without features of overt Cushing’s syndrome with serum cortisol after DST >50 nmol/L (>1.8 μg/dL)a Suggest: possible ACSa: serum cortisol after DST between 51 and 138 nmol/L (1.9–5.0 μg/dL) Similar to the 2016 ESE guidelines
Confirm ACTH-independency, repeat DST, consider conditions that alter the results ACSa: serum cortisol after DST >138 nmol/L (>5.0 μg/dL)
Additional biochemical tests to assess the degree of cortisol secretion might be usefula. Additional biochemical tests might be requireda.
Treatment for patients with MACS Recommenda: discussing surgery with the patient. Consider age, sex, general health, degree and persistence of non-suppressible cortisol after dexamethasone, severity of comorbidities, and patient’s preference. The proposal to perform surgery should be established within an expert MDTa Suggesta: an individualized approach for adrenal surgery. Consider age, degree of cortisol excess, general health, comorbidities, and patient’s preference. In all patients considered for surgery, ACTH-independency of cortisol excess should be confirmed. NA
Measurement of sex hormone and steroid precursors Suggest: ideally, use multi-steroid profiling by tandem mass spectrometrya in patients in whom an adrenocortical carcinoma is suspected. Suggesta: in patients with clinical or imaging features suggestive of adrenocortical carcinoma Recommenda: all patients suspected of having adrenal cancer.
Benign criteria for no further imaging Recommenda: homogeneous appearance and ≤10 HU on non-contrast CT Suggesta: homogeneous appearance, smaller than 4 cm and ≤10 HU on non-contrast CT Homogeneous appearance, smaller than 4 cma and ≤10 HU on non-contrast CT+contrast washout in delayed images of contrast CT
Management of indeterminate adrenal nodules (1) Adrenal mass with unenhanced HU between 11 and 20 and <4 cma Three optionsa: Recommend: follow-up imaging in 3–6 months after the initial study and continuing for 1–2 yearsa
Suggest: immediate additional imaging to avoid any follow-up imaging. (1) Immediate additional imaging with another modality
Optional: interval imaging in 12 months by non-contrast CT (or MRI) (2) Interval imaging in 6 to 12 months (non-contrast CT or MRI)
(2) Adrenal mass ≥4 cm and unenhanced >20 HUa (3) Surgery without further delay. Consider adrenalectomya if the mass enlarges by 1 cma or more and/or changes its appearance during observation
Suggest: MDT, immediate surgery/staging
Optional: follow-up imaging in 6–12 months
(3) Adrenal mass ≥4 cm with unenhanced HU 11–20; or <4 cm with unenhanced HU >20; or tumor size <4 cm with heterogeneous appearance
Suggest: individualized approach in MDT
Surgical treatment Recommend: surgery by an expert high-volume adrenal surgeona in patients suspicious of malignancy NA NA
Suggest: surgical resection if indeterminate adrenal mass on imaging in children, adolescents, pregnant women and adults <40 years of agea.
Hormone follow-up of nonfunctioning tumors at initial evaluation Recommend: againsta repeated hormonal work-up unless new clinical signs of endocrine activity appear or comorbidities worsen Suggest: againsta repeated hormonal work-up unless new clinical signs of endocrine activity appear or comorbidities worsen Recommenda: annual hormone tests for 4–5 years
Follow-up of patients with MACS Recommend: only annual re-assessment of comorbidities potentially attributable to cortisol. Suggest: annual clinical re-assessment for comorbidities potentially related to cortisol excess. Based on the outcome of this evaluation the potential benefit of surgery should be considered. Recommend: annual hormone tests for 4–5 years
If these comorbidities develop or worsen, referral to an endocrinologist.
Approach to bilateral adrenal incidentaloma Suggest following four-option schemaa (1) bilateral (macronodular) hyperplasia, (2) bilateral adrenal adenomas, (3) two morphologically similar, but non-adenoma-like adrenal masses, (4) two morphologically different adrenal masses. The same applies to the assessment of comorbidities that might be related to ACS. Similar to the 2016 ESE guideline
Bilateral (macronodular) hyperplasia or bilateral adenomas: recommend assessment of comorbidities attributable to MACSa Bilateral hyperplasia without ACS: 17-hydroxyprogesterone
Otherwise, similar to the 2016 ESE guideline Bilateral metastases, lymphoma, infiltrative inflammatory disease and hemorrhages: recommend assessment for adrenal insufficiency
Treatment for bilateral adrenal incidentaloma (1) Bilateral hyperplasia or bilateral adenomas with MACS: suggest individualized treatment optionsa Suggesta: the same recommendations for patients with unilateral adrenal incidentalomas NA
(2) Suggest against bilateral adrenalectomya in patients without clinical signs of overt Cushing’s syndrome Suggest that bilateral adrenalectomy is not performeda without clinical signs of overt Cushing’s syndrome.

Modified from Fassnacht et al. [7].

ESE, European Society of Endocrinology; KES, Korean Endocrine Society; DST, dexamethasone suppression test; MACS, mild autonomous cortisol secretion; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; ACS, autonomous cortisol secretion; MDT, multidisciplinary team; NA, not available; HU, Hounsfield unit; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.


Relevant changes.