Evaluation of complex interventions requires detailed national and local data on programme implementation about who is eligible, approached, enrolled in the intervention with similar information for usual care. This information is crucial to minimise biases, enable fair and robust comparisons, and increase confidence that differences in outcomes can be attributed to the intervention, rather than to the characteristics of the people selected for intervention.
Researchers should work in partnership with practitioners, commissioners and communities to ensure that evaluations are integrated into the design and implementation of interventions.
Programme managers and care leads shoulddocument detailed information about programme delivery and usual care (including activity dates and catchment area), across local areas and over time.
Programme managers should ensure detailed information are recorded on the characteristics of those who are approached and offered an intervention, and those who declined.
Programme managers should provide consistent guidelines aboutprogramme targeting and prioritisation, where resources are insufficient for universal offer. Targeting should be documented in detail, including where guidelines change over time ordiffer across local areas.