Authors |
Year |
Study design |
Sample size and age range |
Outcome measures |
McCrae et al. [18] |
2017 |
Systematic review |
11 empirical studies examining the relationship between social media use and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents |
Correlation between social media use and depressive symptoms, with limited consensus on phenomena for investigation and causality |
Przybylski et al. [19] |
2020 |
Cross-sectional |
National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH): 50,212 primary caregivers |
Psychosocial functioning and digital engagement, including a modified version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and caregiver estimates of daily television- and device-based engagement |
Riehm et al. [20] |
2019 |
Longitudinal cohort study |
Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health study: 6,595 adolescents aged 12-15 years |
Internalizing and externalizing problems assessed via household interviews using audio computer-assisted self-interviewing |
Holland and Tiggemann et al. [21] |
2016 |
Systematic review |
20 peer-reviewed articles on social networking sites use and body image and eating disorders |
Body image and disordered eating |
Moreno et al. [22] |
2016 |
Review |
Studies focused on the intersection of alcohol content and social media |
Alcohol behaviors and harms associated with alcohol use |
Fisher et al. [23] |
2016 |
Systematic review and meta-analysis |
239 effect sizes from 55 reports, representing responses from 257,678 adolescents |
Peer cybervictimization and internalizing and externalizing problems |
Nesi and Prinstein [24] |
2015 |
Longitudinal |
619 adolescents aged 14.6 years |
Depressive symptoms, frequency of technology use (cell phones, Facebook, and Instagram), excessive reassurance-seeking, technology-based social comparison, and feedback-seeking, and sociometric nominations of popularity |
Fardouly and Vartanian [25] |
2016 |
Review |
Correlational and experimental studies on social media usage and body image concerns among young women and men |
Body image concerns and appearance comparisons |
Carter et al. [26] |
2016 |
Systematic review and meta-analysis |
20 cross-sectional studies involving 125,198 children aged 6-19 years |
Bedtime media device use and inadequate sleep quantity, poor sleep quality, and excessive daytime sleepiness |
Ybarra et al. [27] |
2015 |
Cross-sectional |
5,542 US adolescents aged 14-19 years |
Online and in-person peer victimization and sexual victimization, and the role of social support from online and in-person friends |
Chassiakos et al. [28] |
2016 |
Systematic review |
Empirical research on traditional and digital media use and health outcomes in children and adolescents |
Opportunities and risks of digital and social media use, including effects on sleep, attention, learning, obesity, depression, exposure to unsafe content and contacts, and privacy |