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. 2023 Aug 5;15(8):e42990. doi: 10.7759/cureus.42990

Table 2. Studies on the impact of technology on adolescents and young adults' psychosocial functioning, health, and well-being.

Authors Year Study design Sample size and age range Outcome measures
McCrae et al. [18] 2017 Systematic review 11 empirical studies examining the relationship between social media use and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents Correlation between social media use and depressive symptoms, with limited consensus on phenomena for investigation and causality
Przybylski et al. [19] 2020 Cross-sectional National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH): 50,212 primary caregivers Psychosocial functioning and digital engagement, including a modified version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and caregiver estimates of daily television- and device-based engagement
Riehm et al. [20] 2019 Longitudinal cohort study Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health study: 6,595 adolescents aged 12-15 years Internalizing and externalizing problems assessed via household interviews using audio computer-assisted self-interviewing
Holland and Tiggemann et al. [21] 2016 Systematic review 20 peer-reviewed articles on social networking sites use and body image and eating disorders Body image and disordered eating
Moreno et al. [22] 2016 Review Studies focused on the intersection of alcohol content and social media Alcohol behaviors and harms associated with alcohol use
Fisher et al. [23] 2016 Systematic review and meta-analysis 239 effect sizes from 55 reports, representing responses from 257,678 adolescents Peer cybervictimization and internalizing and externalizing problems
Nesi and Prinstein [24] 2015 Longitudinal 619 adolescents aged 14.6 years Depressive symptoms, frequency of technology use (cell phones, Facebook, and Instagram), excessive reassurance-seeking, technology-based social comparison, and feedback-seeking, and sociometric nominations of popularity
Fardouly and Vartanian [25] 2016 Review Correlational and experimental studies on social media usage and body image concerns among young women and men Body image concerns and appearance comparisons
Carter et al. [26] 2016 Systematic review and meta-analysis 20 cross-sectional studies involving 125,198 children aged 6-19 years Bedtime media device use and inadequate sleep quantity, poor sleep quality, and excessive daytime sleepiness
Ybarra et al. [27] 2015 Cross-sectional 5,542 US adolescents aged 14-19 years Online and in-person peer victimization and sexual victimization, and the role of social support from online and in-person friends
Chassiakos et al. [28] 2016 Systematic review Empirical research on traditional and digital media use and health outcomes in children and adolescents Opportunities and risks of digital and social media use, including effects on sleep, attention, learning, obesity, depression, exposure to unsafe content and contacts, and privacy