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. 2023 Aug 10;39:103494. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103494

Table 3.

Summary of the tractographic analysis parameters of the included studies.

Article Signal modeling Deterministic Probabilistic FA or other threshold Max curvature Steps (mm) Streamline generation Other (e.g., filtering)
He (2021) DTI; CSD SD-Stream, UKF-1 T, UKF-2 T iFOD1 seed = 0.006; stop = 0.005 (SD-Stream. iFOD1) SD-Stream: 80° NA 40,000 fibers generated for each method Fiber threshold length = 45 mm
seed = 0.02; stop = 0.01 (UKFs) iFOD-1: 10°
Jin (2019) DTI; GQI DSI-Studio TRACKVIS no 0.04 50° 1.2 1500 fibers reconstructed
Kammen (2016) CSD No ConTrack NA 2 mm NA 1000 streamlines generated
Kamali (2014) DTI DTI-Studio software FACT no 0.22 60° NA Spurious fiber cleaning with ROEs (see Table 4)
Maleki (2012) DTI No FSL 4.1.3 0.2 0.2 0.5 25,000 streamlines generated
Akazawa (2010) DTI PRIDE software (2 tensor model) no Principal diffusivities (λ1, λ2, and λ3) were restricted respectively to range 1.2–1.8, 0.2–0.7, and 0.2–0.7 (10−3 mm2/s), to capture highly oriented fibers NA NA
Hofer (2010) DTI Tensorline no 0.1 70° NA
Staempfli (2007) DTI aFM no NA NA NA 60,000 to 65,000 time steps 8 to 12% voxel connectivity
Manners (2022) CSD No iFOD1 seed = 0.006; stop = 0.005 10° NA
Puzniak (2021) DTI; CSD DT based, CSD based iFOD2 NA 5°, 10°, 20°, 40°, 80° 0.15; 0.75 15,000 streamlines generated Minimum length 7.5 mm; LiFE method for filtering spurious streamlines
Ather (2019) DTI No PROBTRACKX2 0.1 0.2 mm 0.5 5000 streamlines generated; two reconstructions (seed and target reversed) averaged together
J Puzniak (2019) DTI; CSD DT Tensor Prob iFOD2 DT Tensor Prob: 0.04; 0.08. iFOD2: 0.04; 0.08 30°; 45°; 60° NA 139,000 streamlines generated. Different spurious streamline filtering strategies (LIFE, COMMIT-SZB, COMMIT-SB, SIFT2)
Takemura (2019) DTI No ConTrack NA 90° 1 5000 streamlines generated. Only 1000 retained; two runs were performed on different DTI acquisitions and merged together max streamline length 80 mm
Lecler (2018) CSD no CSD based NA NA NA
Davies-Thompson (2013) DTI No FSL Probtrackx NA 0.2 0.5 5000 streamlines generated
Miller (2019) CSD no Mrtrix 2 CSD based NA NA NA 5,000,000 fibers generated AFQ toolkit used to remove fibers 2.6 sd distance away from the fiber core. Further manual cleaning (superimposed on T1w)
Allen (2018) CSD no Mrtrix CSD-based 0.2 60° 2 manual spurious fiber cleaning
Altıntaş (2017) DTI FACT no NA NA NA
Chakravarthi (2021) DTI BrightMatter Plan software no NA NA NA whole brain tractography that also reconstructed the whole anterior visual pathway
Liang (2021) GQI DSI-Studio software no 0.20–0.35 70° 1.2 minimum length 10 mm; maximum length 300 mm
Ho (2019) GQI DSI-Studio software no NA 60° 0.6 10,000 fibers generated minimum length 30 mm
Jacquesson (2019) CSD no Mrtrix 3 “tckgen” 0.3 45° 1 1000 fibers generated Spurious fiber cleaning with ROEs (see Table 4)
Wu (2019) DTI No PROBTRACKX NA 0.2 NA 5000 streamlines generated 10% threshold
Lin (2018) DTI Mimics research 17.0 software no NA NA NA
Ma (2017) DTI 3D Slicer software no 0.18 0.7 0.5 Path length between 20 and 800
Zolal (2017) CSD; GQI DSI-Studio software FSL 5.0 0.5 80° 0.4 For probabilistic tractography PICo maps were created. To find the optimal probability threshold for localizing the nerve, the resulting PICo maps were filtered at threshold values of 0.05–0.95 in steps of 0.05
Yoshino (2016) GQI DSI-Studio no 0.02–0.5 60-70° 1.2 1000 to 10 000 streamlines generated To smooth each tract, the next directional estimate of each voxel was weighted by 20% of the previous moving direction and by 80% of the incoming direction of the fiber
Haijabadi (2016) DTI BrainLAB workstation no 0.01 NA NA Minimum fiber length 5 mm
Ge (2015) DTI Neuro 3D software no 0.05 30° NA
Hajiabadi (2015) DTI BrainLAB workstation no 0.15 NA NA minimum fiber length: 21 mm
De Blank (2013) DTI DTI-Studio software FACT no 0.15 70° NA
Lober (2012) DTI InVivo Dynasuite software no 0.05 30° NA
Zhang (2012) DTI dTV 1.72 software no 0.2 NA NA
Hodaie (2010) DTI 3D Slicer software no 0.2 0.8 0.5 Manual fiber cleaning using “ROI select NOT” operation on spurious fibers
Salmela (2009) DTI FACT no 0.15 27 NA Minimum fiber length 10 mm
Tao (2009) DTI dTV 2.0 software no 0.15 NA <200
Techavipoo (2009) DTI FACT no 0.25 80° 0.8
Lacerda (2021) CSD No MRTrix, CSD based NA NA NA based on command 3Tissue to extract CSD
Yang (2011) DTI dTV 2.0, Volume One 1.72 software no NA NA NA

Abbreviations: DT – diffusion tensor; UKF - unscented Kalman filter; CSD – constrained spherical deconvolution; LiFE – linear fascicle evaluation; COMMIT - convex optimization modeling for microstructure informed tractography; SIFT - spherical-deconvolution informed filtering of tractograms; FACT – fiber assignment by continuous tracking; ROI – region of interest; PICo - probabilistic index of connectivity; NA – not assessed, aFM - advanced fast marching algorithm; FOD - fiber orientation density.