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. 2023 Feb 28;35(9):736–748. doi: 10.1177/08982643231158424

Table 3.

Associations Between Frequency of Physical Activity Done With Close Family and Time Over Seven Years.

Variable Never versus 1–4x/month OR (95% CI) Never versus ≥5x/month OR (95% CI)
 1 (2009) 1.00 1.00
 1 vs. 2 (2011) .66 (.54–.80)*** .75 (.53–1.05)
 1 vs. 3 (2013) .60 (.49–.73)*** .47 (.32–.70)***
 1 vs. 4 (2016) .55 (.44–.68)*** .54 (.36–.80)**
Living arrangement
 Living alone 1.00 1.00
 Living with others 1.56 (1.23–1.97)*** 1.59 (1.09–2.34)*
 Men 1.00 1.00
 Women 1.82 (1.47–2.26)*** 1.72 (1.25–2.37)***
 Year 10 or less 1.00 1.00
 Year 11 or 12 1.24 (.88–1.74) .66 (.37–1.18)
 Certificate/Diploma 1.54 (1.18–2.00)** 1.03 (.70–1.53)
 Bachelor’s degree or higher 1.69 (1.29–2.20)*** 1.38 (.95–2.00)
Self-rated health
 Excellent/Very good 1.00 1.00
 Good .95 (.79–1.15) .77 (.57–1.06)
 Fair/Poor .71 (.55–.92)** .49 (.32–.76)**

*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.