Table 1.
Study | Province | Years | Age group | Type of cohort | Definition of hospitalization | Type of IBD | Hospitalization rates | Time trend (95% CI) |
Coward et al. (5) | Alberta | 2002–2014 | All ages | Prevalent | IBD-specific (admission directly resulting from IBD) | IBD | 2002: 16.8 per 100 people (95% CI: 16.4, 17.2) 2014: 8.7 per 100 people (95% CI: 8.5, 9.0) |
AAPC: −3.77% (−4.63, −3.08) |
IBD-related (admission for IBD or a symptom or comorbidity associated with IBD) | IBD | 2002: 22.6 per 100 people (95% CI: 22.1, 23.1) 2014: 13.4 per 100 people (95% CI: 13.2, 13.7) |
AAPC: −3.09% (−3.65, −2.62) |
All reasons | IBD | 2002: 35.3 per 100 people (95% CI: 34.7, 35.9) 2014: 24.9 per 100 people (95% CI: 24.5, 25.2) |
AAPC: −2.12% (−2.31, −1.93) |
Targownik et al. (1) | Manitoba | 2005–2015 | All ages | Prevalent | IBD-attributable (difference in the total number of hospitalizations when comparing people with and without IBD) | CD | 2005: 19.08 per 100 PY 2015: 11.75 per 100 PY |
AAPC: −3.0% (−3.7, −2.3) |
UC | 2005: 8.11 per 100 PY 2015: 7.89 per 100 PY |
AAPC: 0.3% (−0.5, 1.1) | ||||||
Urgent IBD-specific (hospitalizations including an overnight stay with a most-responsible diagnosis of CD or UC) | CD | 2005: 6.21 per 100 PY 2015: 3.19 per 100 PY |
AAPC: −6.0% (−7.5, −4.3) | |||||
UC | 2005: 2.63 per 100 PY 2015: 1.96 per 100 PY |
AAPC: 0.4% (−2.0, 2.7) | ||||||
Dheri et al. (3) | Ontario | 1994–2012 | Paediatrics (<18 years) | Incident | All reasons | IBD | — | AAPC: −2.6% (−3.3, −1.8) |
CD | — | — | ||||||
UC | — | — | ||||||
IBD-specific (hospitalizations with a most responsible diagnosis of IBD) | IBD | — | AAPC: −2.5% (−3.2, −1.8) | |||||
CD | — | AAPC: −3.0% (−3.8, −2.1) | ||||||
UC | — | AAPC: −1.1% (−2.5, 0.003) | ||||||
IBD-related (hospitalizations with IBD or its signs, symptoms, and extra-intestinal manifestations as a most responsible diagnosis) | IBD | — | AAPC: −1.7% (−2.4, −1.0) | |||||
CD | — | AAPC: −3.0% (−3.8, −2.1) | ||||||
UC | — | AAPC: −1.4% (−2.8, −0.0004) | ||||||
Murthy et al. (4) | Ontario | 1995–2012 | Adults (>18 years) | Prevalent | IBD-related (visits with either CD or UC as the most responsible comorbid, or primary interservice or interhospital transfer diagnosis) | CD | — | Pre-infliximab: OR: †0.980 (0.975, 0.985) Post-infliximab: OR: †1.00 (0.998, 1.01) |
UC | — | Pre-infliximab: OR: †0.976 (0.973, 0.979) Post-infliximab: OR: †1.22 (1.07, 1.39) |
Rahman et al. (2) | Ontario | 2003–2014 | All ages | Prevalent | CD was the most responsible diagnosis for the admission | CD | 2003: 154 (95% CI: 150, 159) per 1000 2014: 104 (95% CI: 101, 107) per 1000 |
32.4% decrease over the course of the study |
Verdon et al. (6) | Québec | 1996–2015 | Not stated | Incident | IBD-related | CD | 1996–2010: 19%* 2011–2015: 45%* |
— |
UC | 1996–2010: 21%* 2011–2015: 44%* |
— |
Abbreviations: AAPC, Average annual percentage change; CD, Crohn’s disease; CI, Confidence interval; IBD, Inflammatory bowel disease; OR, Odds ratio; PY, Person-years; UC, Ulcerative colitis.
*Hospitalization rates among biologic users only.
†Quarter analyzed as a continuous variable; odds ratio (OR) compares the odds of hospitalization per quarter change in time.