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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Mar 3.
Published in final edited form as: J Addict Med. 2023 Mar 3;17(4):e269–e277. doi: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000001157

Table 1.

Demographics and Smoking Characteristics of Treatment Sample at Baseline

Overall (n=45) NicoBloc (n=21) Lozenge (n=24)
M/n SD/% M/n SD/% M/n SD/% Cramer’s V/Cohen’s d p
 Age 49.69 12.42 49.38 12.04 49.96 13 .05 .88
 Sex (female) 13 28.9 6 13.3 7 15.6 .01 .97
Race .26 .22
 Black 30 66.7 13 28.9 17 37.8
 White 13 28.9 8 17.8 5 11.1
 Multiracial 2 4.4 0 0 2 4.4
Education .27 .19
 Less than high school 10 22.2 5 11.1 5 11.1
 High school graduate/GED 23 51.1 8 17.8 15 33.3
 More than high school 12 26.7 8 17.8 4 8.9
Marital Status .41 .06
 Never married 18 40 4 8.9 14 31.1
 Married 5 11.1 3 6.7 2 4.4
 Divorced/separated 18 40 11 24.4 7 15.6
 Widow 4 8.9 3 6.7 1 2.2
Number of children 1.62 1.89 1.62 1.94 1.63 1.88 .08 .99
Smoking Characteristics
Cigarettes per day 14.91 8.66 15.95 8.77 14 8.65 .22 .46
Carbon monoxide level 19.6 8.77 19.9 8.49 19.33 9.19 .06 .83
Number of years smoked 29.53 11.1 27.24 9.77 31.54 12 .39 .2
Thinking of quitting .29 .15
 Not thinking of quitting 2 4.4 0 0 2 8.3
 Yes, within next 30 days 29 64.4 12 57.1 17 70.8
 Yes, within next 6 months 14 31.1 9 42.9 5 20.8
Tried NRT to quit 15 33.3 9 42.9 6 25 .19 .21
Tried NicoBloc to quit 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- --
Tried self-help materials to quit 1 2.2 1 4.8 0 0 .16 .28
Tried therapy to quit 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- --
Tried hypnosis to quit 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- --
Tried medication to quit 3 6.7 2 9.5 1 4.2 .10 .47
Tried e-cigarettes to quit 4 8.9 2 9.5 2 8.3 .02 .89
Exacerbated medical problems 10 22.2 6 28.6 4 16.7 .15 .59
Live with people who smoke 26 57.8 11 52.4 15 62.5 .1 .49
Type of cigarette smoked .35 .14
 Regular tar 9 20 3 14.3 6 25
 Light tar 3 6.7 2 9.5 1 4.2
 Menthol regular 29 64.4 16 76.2 13 54.2
 Menthol light 4 8.9 0 0 4 16.7
FTCD score 5.69 2.05 5.86 2.13 5.54 2.02 .15 .61
QSU score 40.64 15.66 39.52 15.34 41.63 16.2 .13 .66
MNWS score 13.64 7.58 13.8 7.81 13.5 7.54 .04 .89