Fig. 1. A single-cell multiomic atlas of human islets of Langerhans.
a Schematic of the overall experimental design. Isolated islets from 11 human donors were subjected to donor-matched Drop-Seq and snATAC-seq, as well as Hi-C for sorted β and α cells. b Summary of key donor information. c–e Unsupervised clustering of both single nuclei from ATAC-seq and single cells from RNA-seq in the same UMAP space for human islets using CCA-based co-embedding method. In (c), both RNA and ATAC datapoints are shown, with the highlights of the cell-type identities assigned to each nucleus of ATAC. In (d), where only the RNA datapoints are shown, RNA expression levels of signature genes and the cell-type identifications are visualized on each single cell of RNA. In (e), where only the ATAC datapoints are shown, key transcription factor motif frequencies are shown on each nucleus of ATAC. f Genome browser snapshots for aggregated pseudo-bulk ATAC tracks of different cell types. 7 signature loci are shown. Each track (row) shows aggregated peaks from single nuclei of each clustered cell type. g Summary of cell-type composition in each donor from both the Drop-Seq (scRNA) and the snATAC.