Fig. 3.
MT ameliorates the meiotic defects of IVM-MII oocytes from older reproductive-aged women. (A) Representative images of spindle morphology and chromosomal alignment in oocytes in the Young, Aged, and Aged + MT groups. Spindles were stained with an antibody against α-tubulin (green), and chromosomes were counter-stained with Hoechst (blue). Scale bar = 10 μm. (B) Rate of aberrant spindles with misaligned chromosomes in oocytes in the Young, Aged, and Aged + MT groups. Fifteen oocytes in each group from more than three independent experiments were tested. (C) Next-generation sequencing (NGS) graph shows the results of aneuploidy detection for oocytes in the Young group (01–06). 01–04, and 06: normal karyotype; 05: −2. (D) NGS graph shows the results of aneuploidy detection for oocytes in the Aged group (C1–C6). C2: normal karyotype; C1: −9; C3: +4; C4 and C6: +22; C5: +2. (E) NGS graph shows the results of aneuploidy detection for oocytes in the Aged + MT group (M1–M6). M1–M2 and M5–M6: normal karyotype; M3: −18; M4: +9. There were six IVM-MII oocytes in each group, and the oocytes corresponding to the serial numbers of the Aged and Aged + MT groups originated from the same woman. Each NGS graph indicates the copy number assignments on the y-axis and chromosome number on the x-axis. Trisomy and monosomy were denoted as +and –, respectively.