Twenty-three morphological features of interictal epileptiform discharges. Legend. Vp0 = voltage at peak, Vp1 = difference in voltage between peak and onset, Vp2 = difference in voltage between peak and trough, Vt0 = voltage at trough, Vt1 = difference in voltage between trough and onset, Vs0 = voltage at slow wave peak, Vs1 = difference between slow wave peak and onset, Vs2 = difference in voltage between slow wave peak and trough, Spr = rising slope of peak, Spf = falling slope of peak, Ssr = rising slope of slow wave, Ssf = falling slope of slow wave, D = duration of IED, Dp = duration of peak, Dpr = duration of rising half of the peak, Dpf = duration of the falling half of the peak, Ds = duration of the slow wave, Dsr = duration of the rising half of the slow wave, Dsf = duration of the falling half of the slow wave, A = area under the IED, Ap = Area under the peak, As = area under the slow wave, MaxCorr = correlation between EEG channels (not shown in figure).