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. 2018 Nov 28;16(4):1474704918813433. doi: 10.1177/1474704918813433

Table 2.

Zero-Order Correlations Between Variables Measured in Study 3.

Measure Study 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
1. DS-R a .116* −.048 .361** −.095 −.124* .129*
b −.053 .123* .251** −.001 −.155**
2. Perceived similarity of dissimilar objects a .602** .048 −.071 .020 .043
b .446** .152** −.016 −.069
3. Perceived similarity of similar objects a .019 −.087 −.029 .078
b .036 −.042 −.120*
4. Religiosity a −.236** −.076 .012
b .191** −.100
5. Age a .086 .033
b .107
6. Illness recency (single item) a −.614**
7. Illness recency (4 items)

Note. NStudy 3a = 300, NStudy 3b = 321. Four-item measure of illness recency was administered in Study 3a only.

*p < .05. **p < .01.