Figure 2.
Three post-discharge endotypes (Resolved, Suppressive, and Unresolved) showed distinct immune and hemostasis trajectories and differing rates of post-COVID symptoms. (A): Principal component analysis indicating separation of follow-up samples into three clusters/endotypes based on K-medoids clustering, highlighted by the coloured polygons, with most patients with post-COVID symptoms falling in the Suppressive endotype (red), while the Resolved endotype (green) was mostly composed of patients without symptoms after discharge. (B): Differing trajectories of the Resolved, Suppressive, and Unresolved endotypes based on gene set variation analysis (GSVA) enrichment scores of the Hallmark “Inflammatory Response” and “Coagulation” gene sets. Trend lines connect the median enrichment scores of each endotype from hospital to follow-up, points indicate individual sample enrichment scores. (C): Estimated proportions of neutrophils and regulatory T cells using CIBERSORTx, with all cell types in Figure S4C . Pair-wise Wilcoxon rank-sum test between in-hospital and follow-up samples for GSVA enrichment scores and cell proportions were performed to determine significance and adjusted for multiple corrections (Benjamini-Hochberg): **p<0.01, and *p<0.05, ns = not significant. H, Hospital samples; F, Follow-up samples; RS, Resolved; SP, Suppressive; UR, Unresolved.