Fig. 2. Aerosol particle hygroscopicity and chemical composition.
a,b, Time series of the hygroscopicity parameters under sub-saturation derived from growth factor (κGF) and supersaturations derived from cloud condensation nuclei activation (κCCN). c, Time series of mass concentrations of non-refractory components (sulfate, organics, ammonium and nitrate) measured by ACSM, BC mass concentration (black line) and derived mass concentrations in the size ranges of 10 to 300 nm (M10–300nm) and 10 to 625 nm (M10–625nm) in purple and cyan lines, respectively. d, Particle hygroscopicity as a function of particle diameter during blowing-snow (BS) events in blue (κCCN) and cyan (κGF) and non-blowing-snow (non-BS) periods in black (κCCN) and grey (κGF). Markers and error bars represent the median values and 25th to 75th percentiles. The sample size used to derive statistics is shown in the text. Particle hygroscopicities of representative species are shown as reference lines31,32. e, Bar plots of derived mass concentrations (M10–300nm and M10–625nm) and mass concentrations of major species during BS events and background (BG) periods.