a Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree of tent genes including novel tent sequences assembled from ancient DNA samples and a non-redundant set of tent sequences from existing strains in which duplicates have been removed (see “Methods” for details). The phylogeny has been subdivided into three subgroups. Sequences are labeled according to sample followed by their associated clade in the genome-based tree (Fig. 2a), except for the Barcelona-3031-Tooth sequence (*) as it fell below the coverage threshold. b Visualization of tent sequence variation, with vertical bars representing nucleotide substitutions found uniquely in tent sequences from ancient DNA samples. On the right, a barplot is shown that indicates the number of unique substitutions found in each sequence, highlighting the uniqueness of subgroup 3. c Structural model of TeNT/Chinchorro indicating all of its unique amino acid substitutions, which are not observed in modern TeNT sequences. Also shown is a segment of the translated alignment for a specific N-terminal region of the TeNT protein (residues 141–149, Uniprot ID P04958). This sub-alignment illustrates a segment containing a high density of unique amino acid substitutions, four of which are shared in TeNT/El-Yaral and TeNT/Chinchorro. d MapDamage analysis of the tent/Chinchorro gene, and associated C. tetani contigs and mtDNA from the Chinchorro-Mummy-Bone sample. e Cultured rat cortical neurons were exposed to full-length toxins in culture medium at the indicated concentration for 12 h. Cell lysates were analyzed by immunoblot, and the image shown is a representative of four independent experiments. WT TeNT (uniprot accession # P04958) and TeNT/Chinchorro (“ch”) showed similar levels of activity in cleaving VAMP2 in neurons. f, g Full-length toxins ligated by sortase reaction were injected into the gastrocnemius muscles of the right hind limb of mice. The extent of muscle rigidity was monitored and scored for 4 days (means ± s.e.; n = 3 per group, 9 total). TeNT/Chinchorro (“ch”) induced typical spastic paralysis and showed a potency similar to WT TeNT. Source data for (a, b, d, e, g) are provided as a Source Data file.