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. 2023 Aug 17;3(4):100262. doi: 10.1016/j.xagr.2023.100262


Sociodemographic characteristics by social media use for medical information

Characteristic or group No social media use Social media use P valuea
Mean (SD) or n (row %) Mean (SD) or n (row %)
Community 1080 (48.2) 1161 (51.8) .746
SART 363 (48.4) 387 (51.6)
Maternal age (y) 33.46 (4.29) 33.10 (4.18) .068
Gestational age at enrollment (wk) 7.09 (1.39) 7.00 (1.43) .125
White 1267 (48.1) 1366 (51.9) .978
Black 36 (53.7) 31 (46.3)
Asian 59 (44.4) 74 (55.6)
Native American 7 (53.9) 6 (46.2)
Mixed or other 48 (45.7) 57 (54.3)
Not Hispanic 1294 (48.5) 1374 (51.5) .010
Hispanic 106 (41.1) 152 (58.9)
Less than bachelor's degree 200 (50.8) 194 (49.2) .197
Bachelor's degree 479 (46.6) 548 (53.4)
Graduate degree 759 (48.2) 815 (51.8)
Household income
<$50,000 125 (49.6) 127 (50.4) .901
$50,000–$99,000 366 (48.7) 385 (51.3)
$100,000–$250,000 750 (48.2) 807 (51.8)
>$250,000 198 (45.5) 237 (54.5)
Work status
Unemployed 60 (50.9) 58 (49.1) .034
Full-time homemaker 169 (51.2) 161 (48.8)
Part-time employment 176 (52.5) 159 (47.5)
Full-time employment 1033 (46.7) 1177 (53.3)
Works in healthcare field (patient care)
No 1103 (46.0) 1295 (54.0) <.001
Yes 335 (56.3) 260 (43.7)
Region of residence
Midwest 346 (48.4) 369 (51.6) .766
Northeast 259 (46.7) 296 (53.3)
South 378 (49.0) 394 (51.0)
West 433 (47.5) 479 (52.5)
Lives in a metropolitan area
No 519 (50.3) 513 (49.7) .060
Yes 899 (46.7) 1025 (53.3)
Dominant SARS-CoV-2 strainb
Alpha 340 (46.0) 399 (54.0) .389
Delta 1011 (49.0) 1054 (51.0)
Omicron 101 (47.2) 113 (52.8)
Vaccination timing
Unvaccinated 170 (48.0) 184 (52.0) .376
Vaccinated >12 wk before pregnancy 0 (0) 0 (0)
Vaccinated within 12 wk of pregnancy 108 (58.7) 76 (41.3)
Vaccinated during pregnancy 1017 (48.0) 1104 (52.0)
Vaccinated within 12 wk of delivery 142 (43.6) 184 (56.4)
Vaccinated >12 wk after delivery 15 (45.4) 18 (54.6)

The results for n=3018 participants are presented.

SART, Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology.

aP value was for the use of social media for medical information, adjusted for use of other websites, provider, or friends and family. Bootstrapped (1000 reps) linear regression was used for continuous characteristics and a multinomial logistic regression was used for categorical characteristics.

bAlpha: before July 2021; Delta: July–November 2021; Omicron: December 2021 or later. Timing based upon completion of health information questionnaire at end of third trimester of pregnancy.

Jaswa. Association between social media use and COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol Glob Rep 2023.