Behavioral Tests. A) Forelimb use asymmetry test. Percentage ipsilateral, contralateral, and both paw touches for the vehicle and the 6-OHDA groups. Data represented as median, lower/upper quartiles, and extremities, repeated measures of two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test, indicating greater ipsilateral limb-use in the 6-OHDA group (p<0.005), and less use contralateral and both limbs in the 6-OHDA lesioned animals (p<0.005). B) Rotation curves for the vehicle (Veh) and the 6-OHDA group after receiving 0.1mg/kg apomorphine (APO). Each curve represents the mean rotational speed and standard error of mean (+/− SEM) per minute for 30 min period. C) The peak rotational rate comparison demonstrating greater contralateral rotations per minute in the 6-OHDA group (*p<0.005).