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. 2023 Aug 24;13:1254674. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1254674

Table 1.

Patients’ cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum analysis characteristics.

Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
Patient 1 Cytochemical examination Result Autoimmune panel Titer
Appearance Clear Anti Ca2+ Channel Ab Negative
White cells 3 cells/mm3 Aanti VGCK Ab Negative
Glucose 60.4 mg/dl Anti GLUR3 Ab Negative
Proteins 31.8 mg/dl Anti AMPAR1,2 Ab Negative
Microbiological panel Anti CASPR2 Ab Negative
HSV-1 Negative Anti LGI1 Ab Negative
HSV-2 Negative Anti NMDAR Ab Negative
HHV-6 Negative Anti GABAR Ab Negative
HHV-7 Negative Anti GAD65 Ab Negative
HHV-8 Negative Anti MOG Ab Negative
CMV Negative Anti AQP4 Ab Negative
EBV Negative Oligoclonal bands Negative
VZV Negative
Patient 2 Cytochemical examination Result Autoimmune panel Titer
Appearance Clear Anti Ca2+ Channel Ab Negative
White cells 1 cells/mm3 Aanti VGCK Ab Negative
Glucose 54 mg/dl Anti GLUR3 Ab 1:2
Proteins 26 mg/dl Anti AMPAR1,2 Ab Negative
Microbiological panel Anti CASPR2 Ab Negative
HSV-1 Negative Anti LGI1 Ab Negative
HSV-2 Negative Anti NMDAR Ab Negative
HHV-6 Negative Anti GABAR Ab Negative
HHV-7 Negative Anti GAD65 Ab Negative
HHV-8 Negative Anti MOG Ab Negative
CMV Negative Anti AQP4 Ab Negative
EBV Negative Oligoclonal bands Negative
VZV Negative
Serum analysis
Patient 1 Autoimmune panel Titer
Anti Ca2+ Channel Ab Negative Anti-Ma1 Ab Negative
Anti VGCK Ab Negative Anti-Ma2/Ta Ab Negative
Anti GLUR3 Ab Negative Anti-CV2/CRMP5 Ab Negative
Anti AMPAR1,2 Ab Negative Anti-Hu Ab Negative
Anti CASPR2 Ab Negative Anti-Ri p54 Ab Negative
Anti LGI1 Ab Negative Anti-Yo Ab Negative
Anti NMDAR Ab Negative Anti-recoverin Ab 1:32
Anti GABAR Ab Negative Anti-amphiphysin Ab Negative
Anti GAD65 Ab Negative Anti-SOX1 Ab Negative
ANA Negative Anti-Zic4 Ab Negative
ENA Negative Anti-titin Ab Negative
Antiphospholipid antibodies Negative Anti-Tr Ab Negative
Patient 2 Autoimmune panel Titer
Anti Ca2+ Channel Ab Negative Anti-Ma1 Ab Negative
Anti VGCK Ab Negative Anti-Ma2/Ta Ab Negative
Anti GLUR3 Ab 1:200 Anti-CV2/CRMP5 Ab Negative
Anti AMPAR1,2 Ab Negative Anti-Hu Ab Negative
Anti CASPR2 Ab Negative Anti-Ri p54 Ab Negative
Anti LGI1 Ab Negative Anti-Yo Ab Negative
Anti NMDAR Ab Negative Anti-recoverin Ab Negative
Anti GABAR Ab Negative Anti-amphiphysin Ab Negative
Anti GAD65 Ab Negative Anti-SOX1 Ab Negative
ANA Negative Anti-Zic4 Ab Negative
ENA Negative Anti-titin Ab Negative
Antiphospholipid antibodies Negative Anti-Tr Ab Negative

AMPAR, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor; ANA, antinuclear antibody; AQP4, aquaporin-4; CASPR2, anti-contactin-associated protein-like 2; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CV2/CRMP5, collapsin response mediator protein; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; GABAR, anti-y-aminobutyric acid-beta-receptor 1; ENA, extractable nuclear antigen; GAD65, glutamic acid decarboxylase 65; GLUR3, glutamate receptor 3; HSV, herpes simplex virus; HHV, human herpes virus; LGI1, leucine-rich glioma inactivated 1; MOG, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; NMDAR, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor; SOX1, superoxide dismutase 1; Tr, thyrotropin; VGCK, voltage-gated potassium channel; VZV, varicella-zoster virus; Zic4, zinc finger protein.

Bold numbers are used to identify pathological findings.