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. 2023 Jul 24;109(3):611–615. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.22-0550

Table 1.

Timeline of microbiological investigations for malaria

doa Thick and thin smear microscopy BinaxNOW RDT PCR Ct value
Ring forms Trophozoite forms Schizont forms Parasitemia (%) T1 band (PfHRP2) T2 band (Aldolase)
1 Moderate Rare None 0.3 Very strong Very strong 22
2 Many Rare Rare 0.5 Very strong Very strong NP
Many Rare Rare 2.0 NP NP NP
3 Numerous Few Rare 1.7 Very strong Very strong NP
4 Numerous Few Rare 1.1 NP NP NP
Numerous None None 1.2 Very strong Moderate NP
5 Many Few None 1.0 Strong Faint NP
Numerous None None 0.4 Very strong Strong NP
6 Numerous None None 0.5 Very strong Moderate NP
Numerous None None 0.5 Strong Faint NP
7 Many None None 0.4 NP NP NP
8 Many None None 0.3 Strong Faint NP
11 Few None None <0.1 Very faint None NP
Few None None <0.1 Very faint None NP
12 Few None None <0.1 Very faint None NP
13 None None None Neg Very faint None 25.5
14 Rare None None <0.1 None None 28.6
15 Rare (thick only) None None <0.1 None None NP
16 Three rings (thick only) None None <0.1 None None NP

Ct = cycle threshold; DOA = date of admission; NP = not performed; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; PfHRP2 = Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2; RDT = rapid diagnostic test. Thick and thin smear microscopy was performed by the hospital hematology laboratory and confirmed by the provincial reference laboratory, which confirms 200 to 300 positive malaria specimens per year. Parasitemia was calculated from thin smears as a percentage of infected red blood cells, with a minimum of 2,000 red blood cells assessed across randomly obtained fields of view and excluding gametocytes. Subjective quantities of each Plasmodium stage are also described. Immunochromatographic testing was performed by the BinaxNOW RDT (Abbott, Chicago, IL). Subjective band intensity is also described. Real-time PCR was conducted as previously clinically validated for academic purposes.21 Bolded text refers to positive results.