PHQ‐A (%) | CAS‐8 (%) | DQ5 (%) | SIDAS (%) | |
Total | 15.1 | 18.6 | 31.6 | 4.9 |
Major cities | 14.6 | 17.7 | 31.3 | 4.8 |
Regional areas | 16.7 | 21.2 | 32.4 | 5.2 |
ICSEA ≥ 1001 | 14.1 | 17.0 | 30.7 | 4.7 |
ICSEA ≤ 1000 | 17.5 | 22.3 | 33.7 | 5.4 |
Male | 7.6 | 6.9 | 16.6 | 2.4 |
Female | 19.1 | 26.9 | 42.0 | 6.1 |
Gender diverse | 58.9 | 53.5 | 76.2 | 28.7 |
Sexuality diverse | 43.5 | 43.1 | 66.5 | 17.7 |
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander | 21.0 | 23.1 | 37.6 | 9.5 |
English is second language | 15.8 | 14.6 | 32.6 | 5.3 |
Note: Data are percentages of the cohort meeting clinical cut‐offs across the PHQ‐A (depression), CAS‐8 (anxiety), DQ5 (psychological distress) and SIDAS (suicidal ideation). Gender diverse, gender identity incongruent with sex at birth (includes nonbinary gender); Sexuality diverse, gay or lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, and free text responses to ‘other’ where valid terms describing non‐heterosexual identity were provided.
Abbreviations: CAS‐8, children'’s anxiety scale; DQ5, distress questionnaire‐5; ICSEA, Index of Community Socio‐Educational Advantage; PHQ‐A, Patient Health Questionnaire for Adolescents; SIDAS, Suicidal Ideation Attributes Scale.