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. 2023 May 3;37:100783. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100783

Table 1.

Outcome measures for examining compliance with selected RMI Guidelines for Healthy Living.

Guideline component Recommendations Measurement method Use in analysis
Moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) An average of 60 min per day of MVPA. Measured using wrist-worn accelerometer (Axivity AX3) for seven consecutive days Children with an average MVPA duration of 60 min/day were classified as meeting the guideline.
Muscle- and bone-strengthening activitiesa At least 3 days a week. Questionnaire: During the past seven days, on how many days did you do activities to strengthen your muscles and bones (e.g., push ups, sit-ups, lifting weights, lunges and squats; dance; martial arts or aerobics class)?
8 responses: 0 days, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days, 7 days.
Children who answered 3 or more days were classified as meeting the guideline.
Sleep duration 9–11 h of sleep each night. Measured using wrist-worn accelerometer (Axivity AX3) for seven consecutive days Children with an average sleep duration of 9–11 h/day were classified as meeting the guideline.
Sleep consistency Have a consistent bedtime and wake-up time. Questionnaire:
  • Do you have a consistent bedtime (i.e., not vary by more than 30 min each day)? (Yes/No)

  • Do you have a consistent wake-up time (i.e., not vary by more than 30 min each day)? (Yes/No)

Children who answered ‘Yes’ for both questions were classified as meeting the guideline.
Screen time before bed Avoid screen time 1 h before sleep. Questionnaire: Do you use electronic screen devices (e.g., TV, video game, computer, tablet or smartphone) in the 2 h before bedtime on a daily basis? (Yes/No/Don't know).
If Yes, how close to bedtime do you usually use these devices?
3 responses: Closer than 30 min; 30 min–< 1 h; 1–2 h.
Children who answered ‘No’ or who answered ‘Yes’ and then selected the option ‘1–2 h’ were classified as meeting the guideline. Children who answered ‘Don't know’ were excluded from the analysis.
Screens in bedrooms Keep screens out of the bedroom. Questionnaire: Do you have electronic screen devices in the room where you sleep (e.g., TV, video game, computer, tablet or smartphone) (Yes/No) Children who answered ‘No’ were classified as meeting the guideline.
Recreational screen time A maximum of 2 h per day. Questionnaire: Over the past seven days, on how many days did you watch TV/videos/Internet (including on a smart phone or tablet) or play video or computer games for entertainment for less than 2 h while sitting or lying down?
8 responses: 0 days, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days, 7 days.
Children who answered ‘7 days’ were classified as meeting the guidelines.
Sugar-sweetened beverages consumption Drink clean, safe water and avoid soda or sugar-sweetened beverages. Questionnaire: How often do you drink sugary drinks (e.g., Cordials, flavoured milk, fruit juice, soda, soft drinks?
6 responses: Never, Rarely, Once a week, Most days, Every day, Don't know
Children who answered ‘Never’, ‘Rarely’ or ‘Once a week’ were classified as meeting the guideline. Children who answered ‘Don't know’ were excluded from the analysis.
Highly processed food consumption Limit highly processed foods with added salt, sugar and fat. Avoid foods with trans-fatty acids. Questionnaire: How often do you have snacks like chips, biscuits, cakes, candies, chocolate, pastries, and sweets between meals?
6 responses: Never, Rarely, Once a week, Most days, Every day, Don't know
Children who answered ‘Never’, ‘Rarely’ or ‘Once a week’ were classified as meeting the guideline. Children who answered ‘Don't know’ were excluded from the analysis.
Fruit consumption Include local fruits with every meal. Questionnaire: How often do you eat other fruits and vegetables (e.g., apple, banana, orange, pear) on a typical day/in a typical week?
6 responses: Every day, More than 3 times a week, Twice a week, Once a week, Never, Don't know
Children who answered ‘Every day’ were classified as meeting the guidelines. Children who answered ‘Don't know’ were excluded from the analysis.
Vegetable consumption Include local vegetables with every meal. Questionnaire: How often do you eat Vitamin-A rich fruits and vegetables (e.g., green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange inside vegetables and orange non-citrus fruits)?
6 responses: Every day, More than 3 times a week, Twice a week, Once a week, Never, Don't know
Children who answered ‘Every day’ were classified as meeting the guidelines. Children who answered ‘Don't know’ were excluded from the analysis.

The recommendations for participation in muscle- and bone-strengthening activities are taken from the WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour (World Health Organization 2020) as there was no clear recommendation for this component within the RMI Guidelines for Healthy Living.