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. 2023 Sep 8;2023(9):MR000054. doi: 10.1002/14651858.MR000054.pub2

Boluyt 2008.

Study characteristics
Methods Objective
To determine the sensitivity and precision of existing search strategies for retrieving child health systematic reviews (SRs) in MEDLINE using PubMed.
A GOLD standard was developed, and the standard reference set of SRs was established by searching children's health SRs in DARE and manually searching SRs in various journals.
Data All titles and abstracts in DARE (Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2004) were searched for SRs of child health also indexed in MEDLINE.
Using a hand search of 7 MEDLINE‐indexed pediatric journals All issues of each journal were searched for the following 5 years: 1994, 1997, 2000, 2002, and 2004
Comparisons Shojania 2001, Boynton 1998, White 2001, Montori 2005, PubMed Plus
Outcomes Sensitivity‐maximising
Notes Systematic Review search strategies
((meta‐analysis [pt] OR meta‐analysis [tw] OR metaanalysis [tw]) OR ((review [pt] OR guideline [pt] OR consensus [ti] OR guideline* [ti] OR literature [ti] OR overview [ti] OR review [ti]) AND ((Cochrane [tw] OR Medline [tw] OR CINAHL [tw] OR (National [tw] AND Library [tw])) OR (handsearch* [tw] OR search* [tw] OR searching [tw]) AND (hand [tw] OR manual [tw] OR electronic [tw] OR bibliographi* [tw] OR database* OR (Cochrane [tw] OR Medline [tw] OR CINAHL [tw] OR (National [tw] AND Library [tw]))))) OR ((synthesis [ti] OR overview [ti] OR review [ti] OR survey [ti]) AND (systematic [ti] OR critical [ti] OR methodologic [ti] OR quantitative [ti] OR qualitative [ti] OR literature [ti] OR evidence [ti] OR evidence‐based [ti]))) BUTNOT (case* [ti] OR report [ti] OR editorial [pt] OR comment [pt] OR letter [pt])
Boynton (Most Sensitive Strategy)
((Meta[tiab] NOT meta[ti]) OR (synthesis[tiab] NOT synthesis[ti]) OR (literature[tiab] NOT literature[ti]) OR (randomized[tw] NOT randomized[tiab]) OR published[tiab] OR Meta‐Analysis[ptyp] OR extraction[tiab] OR (Trials[tw] NOT Trials[ti]) OR (controlled[tw] NOT controlled[tiab]) OR (search[tiab] NOT search[ti]) OR (medline[tiab] NOT medline[ti]) OR (selection[tiab] NOT selection[ti]) OR (sources[tiab] NOT sources[ti]) OR (review[tiab] NOT review[ti]) OR review[ptyp] OR articles[tiab] OR (reviewed[tiab] NOT reviewed[ti]) OR (english[tiab] NOT english[ti]) OR (language[tiab] NOT language[ti])) NOT (Letter[ptyp] OR comment[ptyp] OR editorial[ptyp])
White 1 (Most Sensitive Strategy)
((Controlled[tiab] NOT controlled[ti]) OR (design[tiab] NOT design[ti]) OR (evidence[tiab] NOT evidence[ti]) OR (extraction[tiab] NOT extraction[ti]) OR “randomized controlled trials”[MeSH] OR Meta‐Analysis[ptyp] OR Review[ptyp] OR (sources[tiab] NOT sources[ti]) OR (studies[tiab] NOT studies[ti])) NOT (Letter[ptyp] OR comment[ptyp] OR editorial[ptyp]) White 2 (Most Precise Strategy) ((Review[tiab] NOT review[ti]) OR Review[ptyp] OR meta‐analysis[tiab] OR Meta‐Analysis[ptyp]) NOT (Letter[ptyp] OR comment[ptyp] OR editorial[ptyp]) Montori 1 (Most Sensitive Strategy) search*[tiab] OR meta analysis[ptyp] OR meta‐analysis[tiab] OR meta analysis[MeSH] OR review[ptyp] OR diagnosis[MeSH Subheading] OR associated[tiab]
Montori 2 (Most Precise Strategy)
Medline[tiab] OR (systematic[tiab] AND review[tiab]) OR meta‐analysis[ptyp]
Montori 3 (Minimizing the Difference Between Sensitivity and Specificity)
Meta‐analysis[ptyp] OR meta‐analysis[tiab] OR meta‐analysis[MeSH] OR review[ptyp] OR search*[tiab]
Montori 4 (Combining Most Precise Term With Most Sensitive Terms) Cochrane Database Syst Rev [ta] OR search[tiab] OR meta‐analysis[ptyp] OR; medline[tiab] OR (systematic[tiab] AND review[tiab])
(Systematic review* [tiab] OR systematic literature review* OR meta‐analysis [ptyp] OR meta‐analysis [ti] OR metaanalysis [ti] OR meta‐analyses [ti] OR evidence‐based medicine OR (evidence‐based AND (guideline [tiab] OR guidelines [tiab] OR recommendations)) OR (evidenced‐based AND (guideline [tiab] OR guidelines [tiab] OR recommendation*)) OR consensus development conference [ptyp] OR health planning guidelines OR guideline[ptyp] OR cochrane database syst rev OR acp journal club OR health technol assess OR evid rep technol assess summ OR evid based dent OR evid based nurs OR evid based ment health OR clin evid) OR ((systematic [tiab] OR systematically OR critical [tiab] OR (study [tiab] AND selection [tiab]) OR (predetermined OR inclusion AND criteri*) OR exclusion criteri* OR “main outcome measures” OR “standard of care” OR “standards of care”) AND (survey [tiab] OR surveys [tiab] OR overview* OR review [tiab] OR reviews [tiab] OR search* OR handsearch OR analysis [tiab] OR critique [tiab] OR appraisal OR (reduction AND risk AND (death OR recurrence))) AND (literature [tiab] OR articles [tiab] OR publications [tiab] OR publication [tiab] OR bibliography [tiab] OR bibliographies [tiab] OR published [tiab] OR unpublished OR citation OR citations OR database [tiab] OR internet [tiab] OR textbooks [tiab] OR references OR trials [tiab] OR metaanalysis [mh] OR (clinical [tiab] AND studies [tiab]) OR treatment outcome)) NOT (case report [ti] OR editorial [ti] OR editorial [ptyp] OR letter [ptyp] OR newspaper article [ptyp])
Child Search Strategy
Infant[MeSH] OR Infant* OR infancy OR Newborn* OR Baby* OR Babies OR Neonat* OR Preterm* OR Prematur* OR Postmatur* OR Child[MeSH] OR Child* OR Schoolchild* OR School age* OR Preschool* OR Kid or kids OR Toddler* OR Adolescent[MeSH] OR Adoles* OR Teen* OR Boy* OR Girl* OR Minors[MeSH] OR Minors* OR Puberty[MeSH] OR Pubert* OR Pubescen* OR Prepubescen* OR Pediatrics[MeSH] OR Paediatric* OR Paediatric* OR Peadiatric* OR Schools[MeSH] OR Nurs