Boynton 1998.
Study characteristics | ||
Methods |
Objective To develop a search filter using word frequency analysis ('objective approach') tested on the MEDLINE(Ovid). This method was validated with the use of expert input using the word frequency word list produced by ListIndex. |
Data |
Quasi‐gold standard: produced by using the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) citation index impact factors to identify six journals from the top ten high‐impact factor journals in the ‘Medicine general and internal’ category:
Hand search from 1992 to 1995 to identify systematic reviews and search via MEDLINE(Ovid). |
Comparisons |
External validation: this filter was not externally validated Comparisons to other filters (non‐validated): D.L. Hunt and K.A. McKibbon full and brief strategy ( Hunt 1997 and Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) brief and full strategy ( NHS 1996 ) |
Outcomes | Sensitivity and precision (specificity could not be assessed due to the use of a quasi‐gold standard) | |
Notes |
Objectively derived filters Strategy A: Strategy B: data.ab. review* studies.ab. review.ab. clinical.ab. trials.ab. medline.ab. sources.ab. selection.ab. Strategy C: review.ab. trials.ab. medline.ab. sources.ab. selection.ab. Strategy D: medline.ab. sources.ab. selection.ab. Strategy E: medline.ab Strategy F: meta.ti. meta‐* medline.ab. meta.ab. extraction.ab. english.ab. synthesis.ab. articles.ab. search.ab. language.ab. selection.ab. literature.ab. review* sources.ab. Strategy H: meta.ti. meta‐ medline.ab. meta.ab. extraction.ab. english.ab. synthesis.ab. articles.ab. search.ab. language.ab. selection.ab. literature.ab. review sources.ab. randomized.hw. controlled.hw. published.ab. trials.ab. analysis.ti. relevant.ab. trials.hw. reviewed.ab. review.ab. Strategy J: meta.ab. synthesis.ab. literature.ab. randomized.hw. published.ab. meta‐ extraction.ab. trials.hw. controlled.hw. search.ab. medline.ab. selection.ab. sources.ab. trials.ab. review.ab. articles.ab. reviewed.ab. english.ab. language.ab. Filters developed with the input of experts Strategy K: systematic adj review$.tw. data adj published adj studies.ab. data adj extraction.ab. meta‐analysis/ meta‐analysis.ti. Strategy L: systematic adj review$.tw. data adj published adj studies.ab. data adj extraction.ab. meta‐analysis/ meta‐analysis.ti. Strategy M: meta‐analy$.ab. data adj synthesis.ab. literature adj3 review.ab. randomized controlled trials/ published.ab. meta‐ data adj extraction.ab. articles.ab. reviewed.ab. search.ab. english adj language.ab. All strategies excluded comments, letters, editorials and animal studies using the following strategy: 1 2 3 4 animal/ 5 human/ 6 4 not (4 and 5) 7 {SELECTED SEARCH STRATEGY} 8 7 not (1 or 2 or 3 or 6) |