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. 1998 Jun;36(6):1480–1488. doi: 10.1128/jcm.36.6.1480-1488.1998


Reactivities of serial serum specimens collected from early Lyme disease patients (study group I) positive by HGE serology

Patient State of residence No. of days posttreatmenta IgM
IFA resultb EIA resultc WB IFA result EIA result WB
I-1 Minn. 0 80 2.5 + <80 1.4 +
8 160 2.6 + <80 1.4 +
20 160 2.0 + 80 2.1 +
30 160 1.2 + 160 2.9 +
180 <80 0.9 80 1.6 +
I-2 Minn. 0 <80 0.9 640 2.7 +
20 <80 0.9 320 2.4 +
I-3 Conn. 0 2,560 3.4 + 2,560 3.1 +
8 1,280 3.0 + 1,280 3.0 +
20 1,280 2.4 + 1,280 4.5 +
30 640 1.6 + 640 4.0 +
I-4 Conn. 0 640 4.8 + 160 0.7 +
8 640 4.5 + 160 1.1 +
20 320 4.3 + 320 1.7 +
30 160 4.5 + 320 3.1 +
60 <80 2.4 + 320 3.8 +
180 <80 2.1 + 320 4.2 +
I-5 N.Y. 0 160 1.0 320 3.1 +
8 160 1.1 160 3.4 +
20 160 0.8 320 2.9 +
30 160 0.9 160 3.5 +
60 80 1.3 80 2.8 +
180 80 1.0 80 2.5 +
I-6 N.Y. 0 NDd 2.9 + ND 2.7 +
8 ND  2.8 + ND 2.9 +
20 ND  2.3 + ND 3.3 +

Number of days following the initiation of treatment for Lyme disease. 


Results are inverse dilution of titer. 


Results are a ratio. 


ND, not determined.