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[Preprint]. 2023 Nov 13:2023.08.30.555632. Originally published 2023 Sep 1. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.08.30.555632

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Phase 2 cued fear conditioning in female mice, separated by swim condition. Female wildtypes are represented by teal solid lines, and female heterozygotes are represented by blue dashed lines. Fear conditioning occurred 4 weeks after swim stress exposure for Phase 2. Mice were trained on Day 0 in Context A (A,F). Two days later (Day 2), mice were placed in Context B (B,G); this served as cued fear expression testing as well as cued fear extinction training. Two days thereafter, mice underwent the identical procedure for the purposes of testing extinction retention (Day 4; C,H) One day later (Day 5), mice were placed in Context A to test for context fear ex-pression (D,I), then immediately thereafter tested for cued fear renewal (E,J). Data are percent time spent freezing for each 30 s period indicated. Data are graphed as mean ± 95% confidence interval. indicates p=0.021 difference between no swim and swim conditions within same sex and genotype (heterozygous) at the indicated timepoint.