Fig. 1.
Phenotypic characterization of the wild-type YD32 and nlg1 mutant. A Plant architecture of the YD32 (left) and nlg1 (right) at heading stage. B 1st - 3rd leaf blades of the YD32 and nlg1 during heading stage. C Spikelet hulls of the YD32 and nlg1. D Panicles of the YD32 and nlg1.E 1st - 7th internodes of the YD32 and nlg1.F-L Comparison between YD32 and nlg1 in plant height (F), tiller number (G), leaf width (H), leaf length (I), spikelet hull width (J), grain number per panicle (K), internode length (L). Data represent means ± SD (n = 10). **Significant difference at p < 0.01 compared with YD32 by Student’s t-test. Scale bars: 10 cm in A; 2 cm in B, 5 mM in C, 2 cm in D-E