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. 2023 Jul 28;11(7):612–620. doi: 10.1002/ueg2.12426


Characteristics of 576 Dutch IBD patients included in a prospective multicenter surveillance cohort study.

Characteristic Total cohort n = 576 Ever smokers n = 275 Never smokers n = 273 Missing data (n)
Male sex, n (%) 289 (50) 129 (47) 147 (54)
Age (y), median (IQI) 50 (39–58) 54 (44–61) 45 (34–53)
IBD disease duration (y), median (IQI) 18 (11–26) 18 (13–27) 17 (11–25) 2
IBD type, n (%)
UC/IBD‐U 316 145 (53) 155 (57)
CD 260 130 (47) 118 (43)
Endoscopic disease extent, n (%) 29
Limited (E2 a /<50%) 159 (28) 84 (31) 72 (26)
Extensive (E3 a />50%) 388 (67) 177 (64) 189 (69)
Histologic disease extent, n (%) 89
E2 a /<50% 81 (14) 41 (15) 40 (15)
E3 a />50% 406 (70) 185 (67) 198 (73)
PSC, n (%) 49 (9) 11 (4) 35 (13)
Prior or index CRN (IND or LGD), n (%) 134 (23) 83 (30) 46 (17)
Surveillance history, n (%) 410 (71) 195 (71) 197 (72)
Positive family history of CRC, n (%) 169 (29) 95 (35) 73 (27) 33
First degree relative 78 (14) 45 (16) 33 (12)
Smoking status, n (%) 28
Current 72 (13) 72 (26)
Quit 203 (35) 203 (74)
Never 273 (47) 273 (100)
Pack‐years, median (IQI) 0 (0–8) 9 (4–20) 50
Current medication, n (%)
5‐ASA 322 (56) 149 (54) 157 (58) 1
Thiopurine 205 (36) 84 (31) 109 (40) 1
MTX 27 (5) 10 (4) 15 (5) 1
Biological 128 (22) 64 (23) 57 (21) 1
Previous medication use, n (%)
5‐ASA 486 (84) 231 (84) 238 (87) 9
MTX or thiopurines 354 (61) 160 (58) 175 (64) 9
Biological 159 (28) 73 (27) 75 (27) 11
Risk category b , n (%) 14
High 143 (25) 72 (26) 68 (25)
Intermediate 283 (49) 130 (47) 136 (50)
Low 136 (24) 65 (24) 64 (23)

Abbreviations: 5‐ASA, 5‐aminosalicylic acid; CD, Crohn’s disease; CRC, colorectal carcinoma; IBD‐U, inflammatory bowel disease unclassified; IND, indefinite for dysplasia; IQI, interquartile interval; LGD, low‐grade dysplasia; MTX, methotrexate; PSC, primary sclerosing cholangitis; UC, ulcerative colitis; y, years.


According to the Montreal classification. E2, left‐sided disease; E3, extensive disease.


According to the Dutch IBD surveillance guideline, high‐risk category: PSC, stricture (UC), prior dysplasia in <5 years, first‐degree relative with CRC (age <50 years); intermediate risk category: post‐inflammatory polyps, first‐degree relative with CRC (age >50 years), chronic disease activity, extensive disease; or low‐risk category in case of left‐sided UC or CD with <50% of colonic involvement.