CFTR function in primary differentiated NHBE:CFBE cell mixed culture and CFBE cell models
(A and B) Example Isc traces from NHBE:CFBE cells and (A) from transduced CFBE cells (B; percent final transduction for individual CFTR variants are given) after incubation with CFS and addition of specific activators and inhibitors of ion transport (as below). (C and D) ΔIsc plotted against percent final NHBE after addition of (C) CFTRinh172 (10 μM) and summarized in (D) as ΔIsc per percent final NHBE or percent transduced cells in the culture (ΔIsc/% final). The dotted horizontal lines in (C) mark ASL height in 100% NHBE cells in the presence of normal lung sputum (healthy) or presence of CFS. (E) TEER/percent final transduced for WT-CFTR and hCAI CFTR. Treatments were compared by unpaired t test. ∗p < 0.05 (n = 8–12 from 3 CF donors). (F) Isc traces from CFBE cells transduced with WT or hCAI CFTRs or GFP alone before and after addition of a basolateral-to-apical Cl− gradient and specific activators and inhibitors of ion transport: amiloride (10 μM), FSK (10 μM), CFTRinh172 (10 μM), and UTP (10 μM). All drugs were added apically with exception of FSK, which was added bilaterally. Direction of chloride concentration gradients (using physiological Cl− and Cl−-free buffers) are indicated, and the duration of application is presented as gray bars. ΔIsc/percent final transduced in response to FSK and CFTRinh172 is given in a table below the graph.